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Including a dynamic file

Asked Modified Viewed 1,336 times
Ryan Stewart

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I'm currently writing an infusion for my site to provide groups with a battle system. I also have another infusion which I want to use globally as the group card showing vital data.

Basically i'm trying to include this card on a page on another infusion, however i'm getting an error. Any help is appreciated :)

The code:

The error:
include_once(../../infusions/cards/index.php?group_id=4) [<a href='function.include-once'>function.include-once</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory Line: 26
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Hey Ryan,

I currently don't know of any methods around that error, at least when using like you attempted.

May I recommend using functions instead?

$op2 = blabla;
$op3 = blabla;
function foo($op1)
  global $op2, $op3;
    echo $op1;
    echo $op2;
    echo $op3;

Best of luck,
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Ryan Stewart

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Nevermind I got it ;)
Turns out I don't need to send the group_id again, and therefore it was generating the error that the file wasn't found for some reason.

Thanks anyway NetriX :)
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