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Themes with home & custom pages

Asked Modified Viewed 2,295 times
Mangee 10
Mangee's Conversions

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I am converting a templatemonster template. For hosting package.

It was coded in html5.

The theme.php file has to have two themes coded in it.
One for a home page, hosting package, and one for the fusion pages, like forums.
I am using images and styles from original to do the fusion portion.

The home page then has to have links to custom pages for things like hosting pages.
The " Web Hosting slider learn more button " goes to hosting.php . Check that page out.
The theme needs a minimum of five custom pages.

The fusion navigation " Home " goes to fusions news.php.
The banner " Mangee's Conversions " links to the home.php file.

The demo of this is called SmartNet and is seen here http://home.fusionfusion.net/.

The user of theme will have " Home " linked to home.php and site will open to a redirect to home.php. There will be an actual " News " button.

This is turning out to be very eye opening.
There are thousands of commercial or premium templates out there that can be used on php-fusion.
Now I have seen ways of working on these templates.
My coding is not up to par, but google search has helped.
Except drop down menu's wont show outside of the nav area.

Hopefully this will give a few people some idea's.
Edited by Mangee on 15-06-2011 20:22,
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Ryan Stewart

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I'm always curious on people who convert themes... I mean do you have to buy the template first to be given permission?

After looking at Template Monsters terms, this one stood out to me.



If you have not received the Buyout License, you shall not place any of our products, modified or unmodified, on a diskette, CD, website or any other medium. You also shall not offer them for redistribution or resale of any kind without prior written consent from our company.


So did you have to buyout the template or something to get permission to do your "conversions"?
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Mangee 10
Mangee's Conversions

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To answer your question Stewart. The person wanting a conversion would have to buy it. I would ask for proof that he bought it before I agreed to convert it. I would then convert it and give him all files back, deleting all from my drives. I would not redistribute or resell that persons property.

If I bought a one time use template I would use it one time, one site.

Now some commercial or premium theme sites have one fee to access all there themes. But those still cannot be redistributed or resold in mass such as a download site.

This is from templatemonster



You may be granted a One Time Usage License in case of purchasing a website template at a Non-Unique Price. It enables you to use each individual product on a single website only, belonging to either you or your client. You have to purchase the same template again if you to use the same design in connection with another or other projects;

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Mangee 10
Mangee's Conversions

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