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(request/query) RSS to NEWS

Asked Modified Viewed 1,419 times
Wighar 10
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Having looked through the Modifications and Requests section of the forum, I have not found any information or request or indeed data suggesting for what I am looking for*.

I am looking for a plugin/infusion that will parse RSS or other syndication feed as a post to 'news submission' or indeed 'post the news' directly with the content from the feed, of course this requires that it cite either the link or a custom entry by the admin, using news as a main point here, but I believe this can be used for article usageas well :)

to add an example, feeds provided by IGN Entertainment require posted feed content to cite that the news is posted/provided by IGN.com, thus making its content useful for a gaming community much like mine at stamfaste.se or other feeds with permission from the source provider of course.

if such is already available please do indicate where i can get it :) , I use version PHPFusion 7.02.xx

*notice: I do apologize if I have missed another thread where this is already mentioned and hope moderator/admins kindly regard that I am but human and must have missed this when searching the forum.
Edited by Wighar on 04-07-2011 12:03,
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Craig 14
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No problem we all miss things at times, can't be expected to see everything.

Anyway as soon as I can contact the author of SS Feeds Panel I will make sure I post it for users.
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Craig 14
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Wighar 10
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