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Restore DB issue HELP?

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My site crashed i didnt have a backup from php fusion but i have a backup from myphpadmin which is most recent...
But php fusion is not populating tables and not reading the sql file right i have changed prefixes but nothing

can someone help i have attached both the current back up of new site from php fusion and the previous site back up from my php admin.

[ Files Visible only to Admin ]

please help thank you....
Edited by Ankur on 26-07-2011 12:11,
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Ankur 10
Hi! Its me, Ankur Thakur! smile
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Why don't you IMPORT the Backup SQL File via phpMyAdmin ? It has an Import option...

Also, after seeing the Files, I have observed that the Tables Prefixes are different :

fusion --> first file
fusion76a3d --> second file
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Ankur wrote:

Why don't you IMPORT the Backup SQL File via phpMyAdmin ? It has an Import option...

Also, after seeing the Files, I have observed that the Tables Prefixes are different :

fusion --> first file
fusion76a3d --> second file

I even re installed the site with correct prefixes to match the first one to fusion_
I get this error importing thru my php admin

SQL query:

-- Dumping data for table DB_INFUSION_TABLE
INSERT INTO  DB_INFUSION_TABLEfield1field2field3field4 )
VALUES ( 1, 0,  '',  '' ) ;

MySQL said:

#1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
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Ankur 10
Hi! Its me, Ankur Thakur! smile
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Remember, while importing through phpMyAdmin, you must have your Database empty first.
then :
1. Import the file and it will create all the tables.
2. then you can manually write the info in config.php for Database settings...
config.php for 7.02 :
// database settings
$db_host = "Host Name";
$db_user = "Database User";
$db_pass = "Database Password";
$db_name = "Database Name";
$db_prefix = "fusion_";
define("DB_PREFIX", "fusion_");
define("COOKIE_PREFIX", "fusion192837etcetc_");
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Notice: Constant COOKIE_PREFIX already defined in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/multisite_include.php on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: settings_name in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/maincore.php on line 66

Notice: Undefined index: settings_value in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/maincore.php on line 66

Notice: Undefined index: locale in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/maincore.php on line 101

Warning: include(locale//global.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/maincore.php on line 208

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'locale//global.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/maincore.php on line 208

Notice: Undefined index: login_method in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/maincore.php on line 250

Notice: Undefined index: login_method in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/maincore.php on line 252

Notice: Undefined variable: userdata in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/maincore.php on line 847

Notice: Undefined variable: userdata in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/maincore.php on line 848

Notice: Undefined variable: userdata in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/maincore.php on line 849

Notice: Undefined variable: userdata in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/maincore.php on line 850

Notice: Undefined variable: userdata in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/maincore.php on line 851

Notice: Undefined variable: userdata in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/maincore.php on line 852

Notice: Undefined variable: userdata in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/maincore.php on line 853

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 43

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 46

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 50

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 51

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 52

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 53

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 61

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 64

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 67

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 68

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 69

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 70

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 71

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 73

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 75

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 76

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 79

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 82

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/includes/system_images.php on line 85

Notice: Undefined index: opening_page in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/index.php on line 20

After deleting table completely in my php admin, and importing tables and data into my php admin, then freshly installing php fusion and manually adding sql database settings i get the error on page above.... what am i doing wrong...
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Ankur 10
Hi! Its me, Ankur Thakur! smile
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Which version of PHPFusion did you upload ? Remember, you have to Upload the same version from which you have taken the Backup... otherwise it will give errors. For e.g :
If you have backup-ed from 7.01 then you have top upload 7.01 and then update it. You can not directly uplaod 7.02+.

Also, there is no Constant COOKIE_PREFIX defined in includes/multisite_include.php. So I think you need to re-upload with the correct files.
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Ive imported only users and now no user can log in but yet there are 83 users with a test user created after fusion_users table was created and the test user cant even log in

any ideas on why it would do that.

Test user
Username: test

Edited by craziepc on 31-07-2011 22:53,
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Ankur 10
Hi! Its me, Ankur Thakur! smile
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Do you know which version files have you uploaded onto your server ?
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I have tried both 7.01 and 7.02. deleted DB and uploaded files with both versions, there is nothing in error log either so i dunno where to even start or where its pulling the user from. here is the error it pulls after creating a dump to the error log.
error_log("****Invalid Username or password: user_name='".$user_name."': user_password='".md5($user_pass)."'");

Here is the error log
[31-Jul-2011 21:11:35] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  opening_page in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/index.php on line 20
[01-Aug-2011 00:10:11] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:30:41] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:30:41] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:30:44] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:31:18] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:31:36] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:31:36] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:31:39] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:32:32] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:32:32] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:32:34] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:49:40] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:49:40] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:49:43] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:54:03] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:54:03] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:54:05] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:55:19] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 00:55:19] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 07:55:19] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: user_name in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/setuser.php on line 60
[01-Aug-2011 07:55:19] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: user_pass in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/setuser.php on line 60
[01-Aug-2011 07:55:19] ****Invalid Username or password: user_name='': user_password='d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
[01-Aug-2011 00:55:21] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 01:02:53] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 01:02:53] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 01:03:01] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 01:03:01] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 08:03:01] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: user_name in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/setuser.php on line 60
[01-Aug-2011 08:03:01] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: user_pass in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/setuser.php on line 60
[01-Aug-2011 08:03:01] ****Invalid Username or password: user_name='': user_password='d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
[01-Aug-2011 01:03:03] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 01:03:13] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 01:03:13] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 08:03:13] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: user_name in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/setuser.php on line 60
[01-Aug-2011 08:03:13] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: user_pass in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/setuser.php on line 60
[01-Aug-2011 08:03:13] ****Invalid Username or password: user_name='': user_password='d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
[01-Aug-2011 01:03:15] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 01:04:31] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 01:04:32] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 01:04:34] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 01:04:59] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 01:04:59] Starting maincore.php
[01-Aug-2011 08:04:59] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: user_name in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/setuser.php on line 60
[01-Aug-2011 08:04:59] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: user_pass in /home2/thecomp6/public_html/righteousleague/setuser.php on line 60
[01-Aug-2011 08:04:59] ****Invalid Username or password: user_name='': user_password='d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
[01-Aug-2011 01:05:01] Starting maincore.php
Edited by craziepc on 01-08-2011 09:14,
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Ankur 10
Hi! Its me, Ankur Thakur! smile
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The Backup you are using, is from PHPFusion version 7.00.07. I checked it in SQL File thecomp6_righteousleague.sql

So Try to upload Fresh 7.00.07 and do the backup restore. You can get it from : http://sourceforge.net/projects/php-f...%20Stable/
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Samething happens after importing only users. When logging in comes back says invalid username and password, ive tried resetting as well. even the original admin user does not work.
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