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Legacy infusion removal

Asked Modified Viewed 2,864 times
Michael Scholtz
For a change it's nice being on a PHP-fusion site where I don't have to worry about the admin side of things.
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After 24 months of procrastenating I finally upgraded my busiest site from v6 to v7. And after a couple of hickups I finally nailed it.
Just intime for the announcement of v8 I may add..

In the process however I neglected one rather pertinent step.
I didn't defuse the old infusions, maybe is was hoping that the magic pixies would make them work, but alas I should have listened.

Now I have to find a way to get rig of them from under the infusions tab and presumably everywhere else.

What is required to remove them. If I delete them from the infusions folder will they be gone everywhere, my concern is some of them have additional files under locale and admin folders.

For now the inconvenience of the infusions being there is not a problem but I would like to get rid of them.
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Homdax 10
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There is a table called _infusions. If you have a database manager like phpMyadmin it should be fairly simple to remove the infusion entries. Make sure you check which ones to be removed though, and also remove the files.

Remember that some infusion create additional tables in your database so compare that with tables your should have and remove the superfluous tables that you, by content, can identify as belonging to the infusions you want to remove.
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Michael Scholtz
For a change it's nice being on a PHP-fusion site where I don't have to worry about the admin side of things.
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Thanks, That helped.

I also found the entries for them under the _admin table where it refers to the link in the infusion section under admin.

For editing the db I usually use phpmyadmin from the host console, but on slow connections heidiSQL is awesome to take the lag out of it.
Edited by Michael Scholtz on 12-03-2012 07:53,
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Homdax 10
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HeidiSQL? Never heard of it, care to elaborate and provide a link? There are lots of new amazing tools around, but one seldom has the chance to test them.
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Michael Scholtz
For a change it's nice being on a PHP-fusion site where I don't have to worry about the admin side of things.
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Its a SQL viewer that runs locally think of it as filezilla for MySQL


It does most of what phpmyadmin does but i have found seaching the database works better with phpmyadmin as heidi only pulls the first 1000 records from the database.

But I find it is a much faster way to work with remote databases.
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Homdax 10
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For a change it's nice being on a PHP-fusion site where I don't have to worry about the admin side of things.
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