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How To Make Theme Enlarge IT Self?

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How can i make theme will resize it self when user post a large image in forum??

i want the theme automatically large when someone post a large image...

some site use right banner and left banner,when somebody post a large image, the theme automatically large...

my theme dont do that,the left panel just stay there and the center panel that large...

can anybody show how to fix this?..

and anybody know how to make image follow by originally size when user post in forum?..

now,when someone post a large image,it automatically fix with small size...user must have to press the images when they want to look more clear...

i'm sorry because my english wt out..huhu...

thanks for ur help..i appriciated it..:)

My theme is itheme2

Merged on May 01 2012 at 09:39:14:
someone help me??
Edited by ChildHold on 01-05-2012 10:39,
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