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How to remove author from post title in News?

Asked Modified Viewed 1,248 times
KEL 10
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Greetings to all. I'm new to PHPFusion (and the forum) and a bit "rusty" at web skills after several years offline. After install yesterday I searched for hours for a solution but had no luck. Here is the problem:
I would like to remove the name of the author from the title field on news. Can anyone please suggest a method or tell me where to find the code that displays the authors name so that i can make a slight mod? Any suggestions appreciated.

Merged on Jun 05 2012 at 22:31:28:
Help is no longer required. Since no one sees a need to assist I've gone back to Joomla. Too bad that no one is around to help non-coders and people such as myself - a retired hardware engineer who is just getting back to webmastering after a long hiatus. I guess the above will get flamed. So be it.
Edited by KEL on 05-06-2012 23:31,
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Craig 14
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Hi there,

I'm always here to help.
Wait a minute and I will get you a solution to your question.

Be right back


OK I am back, after doing a little searching I found a possible solution for you provided by skpacman. Now I know this says it is for the theme devrus but this is generally the same solution for a lot of themes so there is a good chance this will be what you need. If this does not help you come back and i will be happy to help you further.

Edited by Craig on 06-06-2012 00:30,
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Craig 14
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KEL 10
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