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I want to help out with 8, but no one contacted me!?

Asked Modified Viewed 1,497 times
Homdax 10
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I spend a lot of time browsing member lists, trying to find members that have suggested improvements, posted code, are likely to know coding/graphics/ etc.

At the same time I am aware of the fact that I will never spot all, maybe half or a third of the people interested in helping out with Development. Why is that?

Well, first of all we may have different takes on how YOU may think that YOUR effort might spike our interest:

Case 1:
I post this awesome code snippet once or twice, if they have eyes, they will see its awesomeness and ask me to join the Dev team.

Ahem, sorry. That is wasted on me. I can't evaluate the awesomness. If you are lucky some dev drops by, and either contact you directly or let me know of a potential candidate.

Case 2:
I have been a member for soo long and know PHPFusion soo well they will come after me, just check my awesome site, but I do very little support on main, post seldom here and I mostly just focus on my site.

Ok, So how do I get to know that you and your site even exist? What reason do I have to visit your site, if I seldom see you online here?

Case 3:
I do a lot of support here, I am able to help many people. I spend a lot of time on the UK site telling people how they fix their infusion panel and connect to their databases.

Yes, and we appreciate that, but it is low end support. Basically, you are supporting people who prefer to make a question instead of reading up on our documentation. You are not telling us that you qualify for more advanced tasks.

* * *

There may be other "cases" but I think these are common. Let it be known that I am all for getting anyone to help out with our development, but I am not able to send PM's to ALL potential candidates, and I will never spot ALL of the awesome coders we really have around here, least of all if you are not having a minimum of presence on this site.

These are the woes of every Project leader in most openSorce Development efforts. Do we have contact with all that are qualified to help out? Do our members know that we need them? Is the Project visible, can they contact us, do they know they should contact us, etc...

Please consider this, please get in touch or we will just loose YOU in this and YOU might miss out on an opportunity to make a difference.

Thank you...
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Wanabo 10
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Homdax 10
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So did I forget to PM you, Wanabo?
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Homdax 10
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Wanabo 10
pHp-Fusion.Asia & pHp-Fusion.Fr & pHp-Fusion.Cn are available for a localized support community. Send PB for info.
  • Senior Member, joined since
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