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Msn/skype help needed

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jannik 10
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Hi all of you great fusioneers :)
Im looking for a guy or two who would like to help me over msn, or skype when I have a few questions...

I need some support explaining some things I maybe can do myself, and also some help to some error solving, and minor coding etc.

Im trying to build a proffecional bussiness with php fusion and therefor need someone I can contact on a regular basis.

I have bought a commercial licence to php-fusion, but cannot show a link here, since it is a secret testing site for now...

Please contact me on pm if you want to see the site, and maybe see if you want to help out.

Best regards,
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I've earliere helped Jannik with his site - A LOT of work actually..

For making a long story short: We agreed that Jannik should pay me 2500,- kr for my work - that's about 250,- English Pound. (Actually it was 3500,- kr = 350,- English Pound, but I was "good" and saying that 2500 will do it)

But I've never recieved a single nickel from him..

I've wrote several times to him - but never heard from him.

I know I will never get anything from him.

He started the same way with me: Looking for some who was willing to help him out via msn. I did that but I'll never do it again!!

Hopefully this will prevent any other's from helping him!

You're just such a big looser, Jannik.

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jannik 10
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Smokeman.. yes you helped me alot that is true, but nothing got finished at all, since you "got tired of php fusion" or something like that... you never finished it and therefore i still stand with a site not usefull... Actually you did some good things, but you dissapeard from me for weeks and months..

You where not to contact for months and then wrote to me that you wanted money for the work, that never got finished... Sorry Smokeman, but it was you and your own problems that ended up in a job not finished, and therefore no money... You also wrote to me that you didnt want any money and I could get all the work, not finished in a zip file, cause you where tired of php fusion...

I have, and have had others to help me in the past, and people have always recieved what was planned.

I really was happy for all the help you gave Smokeman... And I am sorry it ended that way.. and that you now have to call me a looser and all...

But it's fair... you have made your point, and I have made mine... let's leave it at that... If you want, send me a personal email, and let us work it out that way.

All the best
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Homdax 10
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OK, you are not discussing this here. I understand you request for assistance Jannik, but I will lock this thread here. From what you type in your last sentence it dos actually seem like a reasonable thing to do.

From my experience Smokeman is a capable coder with a respected reputation in this community.
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Homdax 10
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jannik 10
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