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Wich CMS should I specialize in?

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Kh4zy 10
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Wich CMS should I specialize in?

Maybe sounds stupid, when im writing this at a php-fusion forum.

Im planning to take the education as web integrator, and i want to be ahead of my education so i can already html and css completely. But i want to specialize me in something deeper, in some sort of CMS.

I have only used php-fusion and webspell, but I've heard that Drupal is growing so fast that its actually could be nice to know drupal 100% and earn money on it in the end.

What do you think?
Wich cms would you suggest me to pick? I only want to specialize in something that actually could turn into some money :)

Thanks in advance :)
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Gillette 10
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Are you kidding me...all I can say...:o
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Kh4zy 10
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Gillette wrote:

Are you kidding me...all I can say...:o

Im not kidding at all :)

Every CMS is build different, and some is more popular than another.

I dont see many people use php-fusion anymore. Only back in the days in 2008 or something :)

Everyone i know has changed.
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Why would you ask that question on this forum? What response did you think you would get here?
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Kh4zy 10
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afoster wrote:

Why would you ask that question on this forum? What response did you think you would get here?

Whould it be better to post it at drupal's forum or wordpress? That would be the same :)

Not everone prefer's php-fusion for everything. I only prefer php-fusion for a personal site :) as i use webspell for clan sites :)

And i cant believe that everyone here is php-fusion fanatics. I still use different CMS.

In the few years i have used php-fusion, i have never found some company or person that sells infusions, templates and other things for php-fusion :)
Edited by Kh4zy on 07-02-2013 22:50,
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Gillette 10
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I believe that this community would strongly disagree with your statements.
PHP-FUSION not widely used since 2008 is obserd.
Hmm.. maybe locking this thread...:x
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Kh4zy 10
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Gillette wrote:

I believe that this community would strongly disagree with your statements.
PHP-FUSION not widely used since 2008 is obserd.
Hmm.. maybe locking this thread...:x

Why lock a thread, that doesnt have the question answered?

Im just saying that i dont know many people that uses php-fusion. Maybe all your friends, family members and other persons does. But the people im around, havn't used php-fusion yet or dont want to.

We all have different tastes of CMS
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I have only used php-fusion and webspell, but I've heard that Drupal is growing so fast that its actually could be nice to know drupal 100% and earn money on it in the end.

Ok, what he means if I get it correctly after reading his idea is that he wants to tell people he is PRO in a certain CMS, like phpfusion.. where there are audience/customers who want his service in customizing or developing an infusion, some sort of paying customers for developing lets say, Php-fusion Social or Php-fusion ebay. He'll do it for a fee??

Now your question fares: You want to educate on phpfusion? I learned about phpfusion since Version 6. Seriously that was the most fun era... so many people contributing and helping out. We were jaw dropping on shoutboxes imagine.

Pardon me if I'm not fancy on the recent changes (I stopped for a while on coding because I dedicated most of my time starting up my family business), but here is a shortcut to phpfusion "education".

1. maincore.php. (sql process, authentication, system locale, user level)
2. subheader.php (html headers)
3. Theme SDK (your fancy jquery templatating and hours of photos hoping - learning the default one will do)
4. Infusion SDK. (some customization and panelling)

I hope your education is successful one. The more the merrier.
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