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Mysql truble with ADDONS

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if i try to use addon it will make a tabel in the database that is for my noproblem but it can not i dont know why i do how it mus do put the addon in the Infusions map of the ftp server and go to the admin panel to add it in the php fusion site and than i get the trubel can not open blablabla

here list of errors

include(locale/English/view_profile.php) [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory Line: 20 February 13 2013 23:36:58

Undefined index: 440 Line: 30 February 13 2013 23:36:58

Undefined index: 400 Line: 49 February 13 2013 23:36:58

Undefined index: 400 Line: 50 February 13 2013 23:36:58

Undefined index: u001 Line: 55 February 13 2013 23:36:58

Undefined index: 424 Line: 58 February 13 2013 23:36:58

Undefined index: u005 Line: 75 February 13 2013 23:36:58

Undefined index: fbc_userid Line: 35 February 13 2013 03:24:44

Undefined index: fbc_userid Line: 41 February 13 2013 03:24:43

Undefined index: user_fbauthid Line: 44 February 13 2013 03:24:43

Undefined index: fbc_userid Line: 60 February 13 2013 03:24:27

Undefined index: fbc_userid Line: 64 February 13 2013 03:24:27

mysql_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given Line: 214 February 13 2013 02:49:24

mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given Line: 233 February 13 2013 02:48:23

mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given Line: 228 February 13 2013 02:48:23

Undefined variable: panel_name Line: 213 February 13 2013 02:47:41

Undefined variable: panel_type Line: 216 February 13 2013 02:47:41

Undefined variable: panel_type Line: 233 February 13 2013 02:47:41

Undefined variable: panel_url_list Line: 247 February 13 2013 02:47:41

Undefined variable: exclude_check Line: 249

this is tap (1) of the (22) taps

this do i get et the infusion + in admin
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plzz help my
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Digital Remix
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Obviously there is only so much I can do to help looking at your errors (Which there seems to be a lot of them) and the fact that your English isn't the strongest does not help either.

Looking at your profile.php on your site:
Table 'radio24.fusion878bl_shoutbox' doesn't exist

Obviously this means either A the table doesn't exist in the database, or B the code calls the wrong table.

Depending on how old your site is (Fresh install or not) I'm going to guess somethings terribly wrong with your infusion. The top errors you posted may be Locale errors, I don't know and don't have time to check.

I hope my minimal advice helps in some way.
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KasteR 10
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[ulist=circle]GET http://radio.spike-source.nl/swfobject.js 404 (Not Found)
Uncaught ReferenceError: SWFObject is not defined [/ulist]
Ref: http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/

I'm guessing that this may have something to do with your problem. Or it is at least a problem. Looking at the error log, it seems that there are various files that are having these errors.

Have you added any panels recently? I'd start trying to reverse anything you may have changed recently, in order to limit the cause. If the problem goes away, then at least you'll have a better idea of what may be causing this.

* Nice use of skpacman's theme by the way. :G
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digital remix you right my englis is crap :) but i understand it good :)
my dutch is crap to but that is my home langer

about the trubel i have that is i think the mysql tabs notther becorse the ar not in the sql file i tink and its new install this is the furst time i use i well now its the 5 time i use it make it delite and install again lol

i install it now on my other server and dammm i get the same error s grrrrrr if i dont use the addons than its all good
but than i can easy make 1 page with the text i will and the radio stream and ready but im not easy i love by extra for my custermers

i gone now try to make teh database by menual mabye it will help

and kaster yes the theme is realy nice but the footer is litel to big lol but i love it :) and soon new logo on it :) yeeee i cant wait

have all nice sunday if i ready with te database i will update in here of its working or not
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oke i move the site to oter server


and its working good now :) yeeee no errors

only now i looking for shoutcast tools like info board about the stream
and a radio on the site so ppl can lisen to my radio :) haha

thx for hulp :)
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~ Digital
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