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Facebook Panels - major oversight

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(Note that, regardless of the login flow you choose, you must also offer an explicit "Log Out" option that also logs the user out of Facebook.)

can be found on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/concepts/login/login-architecture/

Meaning when they click logout, not only does it have to log users out of our site, but facebook as well. Also there are some updates to the src files you are using that I guess added some more protection - I noticed yours are out of date at least the one I have is.

Both of the facebook aps from what I see don't do this. I am working on 1.0 to modify for it myself.
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Craig 14
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Hi there,

Can you please explain what Addons you are talking about and who are you talking to?

Kind Regards
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NetriX 10
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This whole already exists in my current infusion, just needs some tweaking as I found out it does not work on all websites due to server configurations.

Already worked an update and will be added to the next release.
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yeah, I think it cause it requires a SSL to read the file properly. When I refind that posted in the facebook help area I will post it back.

NetriX is one app the other app can be found at


That one, has some serious flaws and in my honest opinion needs to be removed.

If you test it, you should find the exploit in it. Plus like above it doesn't add the required link by facebook infact in his notes in redirect.php it even says you don't need it. I have tried un comment the line, but it didn't help. Again, I think it has something to do with SSL.
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NetriX 10
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I can't speak on behalf of Ankurs addon, but can confirm after further review of my own infusion, it is secure.

The next release will detail even more security precautions and allow an JS/PHP login flow selection via administration.

A quick login which is basically already implemented, you just need to insert into /connect/index.php to logout.

if ($user) {
$params = array( 'next' => 'http://phpfusionmods.com/infusions/connect/logout.php' );
echo "Logout of Facebook <a href='".$facebook->getLogoutUrl($params)."'>HERE</a>";

Simple as that. If you still see yourself as logged in, its' most likely due to cache.

Re-visit Facebook.com to verify your logged out.

Tested and works for me!

In the meantime I would suggest updating to 2.4.4 hosted on my site, PHPFusionMods.com
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