Hi Everyone,
I'm having some incredible troubles getting my website working.
My Host is Powweb and I am having no luck with them whatsoever, they are useless.
I am using version 7.00.07 which was an older version, yes.
I've moved the site to
http://iridology.nl/Archives/news.phpI asked Powweb to put a backup in my hosting account from the 12th of May (The website still worked at this stage), which is located at
http://iridology.nl/bak_iridology.nl/...l/news.phpThe original and the backup both have the same problems...
They keep telling me it's a scripting issue but this can't be the case if the website is still stuffed.
I'm really unsure what to do at this stage, my boss is constantly down my neck and it's stressing me out like nothing else... This is my last resort.
I really appreciate any advice you guy's can give me, I have no idea's whatsoever.
Thank you all so much in advance! :)