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Incremental update from 6.01.19 - website only displaying 0 in corner after 7.01.6 > 7.02.07

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URL to your site: http://central.mcweir.com/news.php
Version of PHPFusion you are upgrading from: 6.0.19
Version of PHPFusion you are upgrading to: 7.02.07
Any mods you've made to your site: A few infusions from v6 I forgot to defuse prior to updating (Forum Rank namely, which I also updated to v7 version whilst on 7.01.6 briefly)
Version of PHP: 4.4.9
Version of MySQL: 5.0.91
Have you searched for your problem: as much as possible but hard to with so little to go on
If so, what terms did you try: looked up '7.02.07' in upgrading issues forum
State the nature of your problem: Site now doesn't load except for '0' in the left corner. Stumped as to what kind of error that indicates.
Do you have a test account for us? No, but not sure it'd be relevant on the site at least since login isn't accessible anyhow.

A bit more detail. I upgraded incrementally today:
6.01.19 > 7.00.4
7.00.4 > 7.00.5
7.00.5 > combined 7.00.6 & 7.00.7 update
7.00.7 > 7.01.6

All was well up until that point, updating from 7.01.6 > 7.02.07 was where it went wrong. I transferred the locale files and update.php. Ran the update, which didn't report any errors, changed my config.php file to include the extra line about the cookie prefix. Then I transferred the files from the 7.02.07 folder except for _config.php and setup.php. That's when I found the site no longer loaded, after the new files were transferred - I can't access any urls for admin or index.php, news.php etc.

The only error I have to go on is the '0' in the corner. Stumped as to what kind of problem that indicates - db, files, theme related? Also hard to search for.

I tried restoring my files back to how they were before any updates and applying the new files incrementally, no change, which made me wonder if my db or theme are responsible but I don't know how to verify what the problem is. I hadn't yet tried restoring my old db backup and incrementally upgrading that again but will try to go back to 7.01.6 that way if I have no luck identifying the issue here.
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6.01.19 > 7.00.4

Why not 7.00.00 ?
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PolarFox wrote:


6.01.19 > 7.00.4

Why not 7.00.00 ?

I could only find files for 7.0.1/2/3 updates, which I thought required updating from 7.00.0 that I couldn't find under either the v7 update or v7 stable releases. I used 7.0.4 as it had an option to update from v6.
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Why are you not upgrading to 7.02.01, 7.02.02, 7.02.03, 7.02.04, 7.02.05, 7.02.06? And you missed 7.01.02-05 updates, inclusively.

Note: All updates are not cumulative as you thought.
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FILON wrote:

Why are you not upgrading to 7.02.01, 7.02.02, 7.02.03, 7.02.04, 7.02.05, 7.02.06? And you missed 7.01.02-05 updates, inclusively.

Note: All updates are not cumulative as you thought.

I didn't realise I had to go through each step of 7.02.x. I used the upgrade script from the full 7.02.07 package that said it was for upgrading from 701 - was that wrong to do? Did I misinterpret the usage of that script?
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Wy not fresh install latest version and use another blank db as master, export the old one, and import the SQL tables one by one? Much faster.
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hien wrote:

Wy not fresh install latest version and use another blank db as master, export the old one, and import the SQL tables one by one? Much faster.

For some people maybe, but I had the perhaps too hopeful expectation that using upgrade files/scripts would do the same job easier for someone who doesn't often meddle with the db.

I was still hoping someone would have an idea what went wrong the first time. I find it weird the updating went fine up to 7.01.06 and only messed up when trying to upgrade to 7.02.07. I read all the documentation for upgrading and am pretty sure I did all it was asking, so I don't know what actually went wrong or which part got messed up during that upgrade.
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If I may suggest making a backup of your site "system admin/database backup" after each successful upgrade.

This way you won't have to start from the beginning if the next upgrade fails. You can upload the full file version of 7.01.06 rather than starting from v6 again.
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Ralph68 wrote:

If I may suggest making a backup of your site "system admin/database backup" after each successful upgrade.

This way you won't have to start from the beginning if the next upgrade fails. You can upload the full file version of 7.01.06 rather than starting from v6 again.

For some reason I don't seem to be able to use that function, it gives me an internal server error 500. But anyhow I will be making sure to backup incrementally too this time from phpmyadmin and over ftp.

I restored both files and DB back to my old 6.01.19 install. So far have updated to 7.01.04 and interestingly I'm seeing options in the admin panel I didn't see before - bbcodes, smileys etc. I suspect something must have gone wrong somewhere with the previous db update or file transfer, despite the fact I could not seen any evidence of it.

The only other thing I have changed is getting my hosting to change to php 5.2. Not sure if that could account for the difference.
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I am glad that you are on the right track!
From that version you have now you might be helped with my answer here : http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/forum/vie...ost_177501
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Domi wrote:

I am glad that you are on the right track!
From that version you have now you might be helped with my answer here : http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/forum/vie...ost_177501

Hi Domi. Thanks for the link. I did read that before when upgrading, as well as reading the upgrade instructions on the read me document.

Though rereading the documentation I saw one thing I missed the first time which explains why I had a problem with 7.02.07 and not with 7.01.06:

"Requires - PHP 5.1.2 or higher" and mine was previously 4.2. So, it had a very simple explanation I had completely missed.
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What's common between Halloween and Christmas? Every programmer knows: 31 oct = 25 dec.
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