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My new site

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I just (re)-installed my php-fusion website... http://www.ursusweb.nl

I have used php-fusion in the past, version 6, but I was never satisfied enough. It wasn't the system... I just didn't know for sure what I wanted with my site.

As I'm a biology and chemistry teacher, I just rediscovered the easy use of php-fusion.
Last year I started building a Wiki-site with my student, filling it with all subjects we encountered during the school year. It was sufficient, but not enough... I wanted more...

And while searching the Internet, I remembered this system again, with so many new infusions and mods, I just retried it....

I like it, and despite the fact I can't find a wiki-infusion, I decided to continue with creating digital content for helping my students with their learning. Not in a wiki this time, but by letting them create many articles so they can always check what they needed to learn. Together with the forum I hope this will become a much used site.

I'm still in the developing face as far as the article-structure is concerned, but I'm confident that within a month we (my 4 colleagues and I) will use this as a learning aid.
Edited by jveenstra on 04-09-2013 22:30,
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What wiki dit you use for your articles? Maybe it is possible to make a bridge bewteen fusion and the wiki system?

Like this one http://www.douwe.schoonheidssalonanne...nload_id=4 I made for pcpin

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Chan 0
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As a parent myself, I wish to build something meaningful for studies. One day I can be proud that our little ones can learn with good strategic method. Group studies, colloborated in a meaningful way. I applaud your effort. Hence, i want to share with you whats coming to PHP Fusion on our new better than wiki.

We will have a better than wiki system in V8 using our remodelled articles infusion.

Our idea came from versioning. You have lets say a group of students. All of them have their own thoughts about a certain understanding. Lets say the subject is a frog study research.

We create an article, with a subject frog. Inside we can split it up using a new thing called section. We name this section, Toad. Under toad we write our general description. Like, "A toad is male and has spots."

Ok, what version gives you is this. Another student come in, he or she can Add. Yes, not edit. But Add a different note like, A toad is blue and has 4 legs.

Now your toad will have 2 version to it. As a teacher, you can edit and merge and combine both to 1. If you wish, you can just edit/move it to another section. You get a dropdown selector that helps you navigate between versions.

And you can see your version history, what has been merged, added, edited.

This is, our latest effort. We will also enable plugin where you can just add about any pic image video audio to any of the section.

Our articles can have a subject title. We give you an inhouse nav system called Pages. In your page, name it Amphibians. Now, add a child categories to it, create 4. Lets say, Frogs, and under that add 2 more. Toad, Frog, we give you a central navigation to the subject. Then you can assign your articles it powered by versioning.

Your students gets his own profile page with many more ties to the Articles. What he posted, comments on his post and as teacher, you can give rate/grades in %, ABC, etc.

Its just the beginning for us now. Best documentation engine ever will come to PHP Fusion. Wait for it. Demo soon.
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Chan 0
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From v1 to v7, our articles was imprisoned by themes and core. We could not do anything to it because it affects all themes support under render news and render articles. They control how Article renders. In v8, freedom.

First, the core releases it to infusion.

The only thing that ties its dependencies is themes render function. I just need to break the bond. Render news and render articles deprecated, forever. Our infusion will stand with its own render.

This render is made dependent to our theme engine, which backs up Articles unlimited expansion. Because I plan to do a photoshop for the theme engine admin.

Theme codes do not need to be adjusted. They dont need to call anything. I already demo Arise being responsive in v8 unmodded. The font changed to Arise. My point. :)
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DROGMO - biggest ID provider in Lithuania.
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Don't introduce empty project. I don't see any content.

But... Good luck!
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Chan 0
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What content you want? Look at the dev site.
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DROGMO - biggest ID provider in Lithuania.
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