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Site Upgrade Patching Announcements

Asked Modified Viewed 1,587 times
Chan 0
Lead Developer of PHP-Fusion
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Super Admin

We are currently working round the clock to fix many issues still reported by our Development Team during this upgrade phase. Due to the fact that the patch is relatively big into an existing website, it is inevitable that certain bugs would occur.

For the next few days, patches will keep coming in at every hour interval basis, non-stop at every available fixes.

Bug reports must not be made here. Please do so at the Developer Forum as made by Domi, or you can send me a private message directly.

While we chose not to close the site, there would be a series of ninja patches that would come into this site, should you find any glitches, they would be fixed within the next 30 seconds.

Sorry for such inconvenience, and thank you for your continuing support of the main site.
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Chan 0
Lead Developer of PHP-Fusion
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