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Maintenance Mode and register.php

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bait 10
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Long story short, I'm making a clan website. I've set it so that I can allow iMEMBERs through maintenance mode. I like how you can't 'see' the site without having to actually be registered, and despite my attempts I can't find something that works the same.

Anyhow, my question is, register.php needs somehow be exempt from this check.

How can I have register.php still be made available to guests, while the rest of the site is completely locked down.

I did this many years ago in fusion 5 i believe, i just can't find any source to reference.

Any help would be wildly appreciated, and I apologize if I make any of yours eyes twitch to the thought of this ><
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Falk 146
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Hello, try this ,
open /themes/templates/header.php
find ,

if ($settings['maintenance'] == "1" && ((iMEMBER && $settings['maintenance_level'] == "1" 
   && $userdata['user_id'] != "1") || ($settings['maintenance_level'] > $userdata['user_level'])
)) {

replace with

if (!preg_match('/register.php/i', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
if ($settings['maintenance'] == "1" && ((iMEMBER && $settings['maintenance_level'] == "1"
   && $userdata['user_id'] != "1") || ($settings['maintenance_level'] > $userdata['user_level'])
)) {
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bait 10
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Wow, thank you so much! Got it up and running in no time!
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JoiNNN 10
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We should have this as an option in Admin Panel under Maintenance ("Allow users to register while in maintenance?"), some might do just some easy maintenance that won't break the sites while registering.
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Better thing - allow "section Maintenance"
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Chan 0
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Well, the whole point to go maintenance feature for me would be stopping users from generating more errors logs by not allowing them to even deal a single handshake with the server sql. Allowing registration while doing maintenance equals ninja patching on a live server.
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Falk 146
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Chan 0
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bait 10
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JoiNNN 10
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