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Looking for a copy of PHP Fusion version 5 or 6

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Howdy all,
Sorry that I haven't been a bigger part of PHP Fusion in some years. Life takes some amazing twist doesn't it? So my wife asked me to teach her how to use PHP. So I thought what better way to teach her then to have her learn the way I did since we have similar learning styles. So I'm looking for a complete copy of php fusion version 5(preferable) or 6 before the large use of classes became the norm. If anyone has a copy please let me know, or if PHP Fusion staffers know of a path to it on Fusion's network would be great.
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Hi Daywalker,

I guess you need the PHPFusion Archives on sourceforge, but I am not sure this is the best way to learn PHP.

PHP is not the same as it was when v5 was released. If you know the differences and you can explain it to your wife when the time comes to learn more than "What is a variable?" or "How can we create a simple function?", that's OK, but some functions and practices are outdated today and does not work. I am not talking about classes.

On the other hand, browsing the code of a complete CMS is not beginner level. Espacially browsing a code based on outdated solutions. Of course, I don't know what your wife knows about programming.

Good luck :)
Edited by Rimelek on 16-01-2015 20:20,
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That is very true about the coding changes etc. Thankfully I have a php4 server lined up for her use. It's more just to get her beak wet than anything. Ty for the link to the archive.
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Craig 14
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