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redirect 301 without www, login doesn't work

Asked Modified Viewed 1,309 times
Ramage 10
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Junior Member

I create redirect 301 without www in address, but users and admins can't login. Anyone can help me? :(
For others code:

RewriteEngine off
RewriteRule ^index.(php|html|htm)$ / [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9-_]+)/index.(php|html|htm)$ /$1/ [R=301,L]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.website.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://website.com/$1 [R=301,L]

Now is off, because dont work login in my site.

edit. I have set website.com in panels admin without www.

I looking in classes/authenticate.class.php and delete www. but I still cant login :(
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) 2002 - 2011 Nick Jones
| http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/
| Filename: Authenticate.class.php
| Author: Hans Kristian Flaatten (Starefossen)
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { die("Access Denied"); }

$fusion_domain = (strstr($settings['site_host'], "www.") ? substr($settings['site_host'], 3): $settings['site_host']);
define("COOKIE_DOMAIN", $settings['site_host'] != 'localhost' ? $fusion_domain : false);
define("COOKIE_PATH", $settings['site_path']);
define("COOKIE_USER", COOKIE_PREFIX."user");
define("COOKIE_ADMIN", COOKIE_PREFIX."admin");
define("COOKIE_VISITED", COOKIE_PREFIX."visited");
define("COOKIE_LASTVISIT", COOKIE_PREFIX."lastvisit");

class Authenticate {

   private $_userData = array("user_level" => 0, "user_rights" => "", "user_groups" => "", "user_theme" => "Default");

   public function __construct($inputUserName, $inputPassword, $remember) {
      $this->_authenticate($inputUserName, $inputPassword, $remember);

   private function _authenticate($inputUserName, $inputPassword, $remember) {
      global $locale, $settings;

      $inputUserName = preg_replace(array("/\=/","/\#/","/\sOR\s/"), "", stripinput($inputUserName));

      $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_name='".$inputUserName."' LIMIT 1");

      if (dbrows($result) == 1) {
          $user = dbarray($result);

         require_once CLASSES."PasswordAuth.class.php";

         // Initialize password auth
         $passAuth = new PasswordAuth();
         $passAuth->currentAlgo = $user["user_algo"];
         $passAuth->currentSalt = $user["user_salt"];
         $passAuth->currentPasswordHash = $user["user_password"];
         $passAuth->inputPassword = $inputPassword;

         // Check if input password is valid
         if ($passAuth->isValidCurrentPassword(true)) {
            if ($settings['multiple_logins'] != 1) {
               $user['user_algo'] = $passAuth->getNewAlgo();
               $user['user_salt'] = $passAuth->getNewSalt();
               $user['user_password'] = $passAuth->getNewHash();

               $result = dbquery(
                  "UPDATE ".DB_USERS."
                  SET user_algo='".$user['user_algo']."', user_salt='".$user['user_salt']."', user_password='".$user['user_password']."'
                  WHERE user_id='".$user['user_id']."'"

            if ($user['user_status'] == 0 && $user['user_actiontime'] == 0) {
               Authenticate::setUserCookie($user['user_id'], $user['user_salt'], $user['user_algo'], $remember, true);
               $this->_userData = $user;
            } else {
               require_once INCLUDES."suspend_include.php";
               require_once INCLUDES."sendmail_include.php";

               if (($user['user_status'] == 3 && $user['user_actiontime'] < time()) || $user['user_status'] == 7) {
                  $result = dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_USERS." SET user_status='0', user_actiontime='0' WHERE user_id='".$user['user_id']."'");

                  if ($user['user_status'] == 3) {
                     $subject = $locale['global_453'];
                     $message = $locale['global_455'];
                     unsuspend_log($user['user_id'], 3, $locale['global_450'], true);
                  } else {
                     $subject = $locale['global_454'];
                     $message = $locale['global_452'];

                  $message = str_replace("USER_NAME", $user['user_name'], $message);
                  sendemail($user['user_name'], $user['user_email'], $settings['siteusername'], $settings['siteemail'], $subject, $message);
               } else {
                  redirect(Authenticate::getRedirectUrl(4, $user['user_status'], $user['user_id']));
         } else {
      } else {

   // Get user data when authenticating in user
   public function getUserData() {
      return $this->_userData;

   // Set User Cookie
   public static function setUserCookie($userID, $salt, $algo, $remember = false, $userCookie = true) {

      global $_COOKIE;

      $cookiePath = COOKIE_PATH; $cookieName = COOKIE_USER;

      if ($remember) {
         $cookieExpiration = time() + 1209600; // 14 days
      } else {
         $cookieExpiration = time() + 172800; // 48 hours

      if (!$userCookie) {
         $cookiePath = COOKIE_PATH."administration/";
         $cookieName = COOKIE_ADMIN;
         $cookieExpiration = time() + 3600; // 1 hour

      $key = hash_hmac($algo, $userID.$cookieExpiration, $salt);
      $hash = hash_hmac($algo, $userID.$cookieExpiration, $key);

      $cookieContent = $userID.".".$cookieExpiration.".".$hash;

      //header("P3P: CP='NOI ADM DEV PSAi COM NAV OUR OTRo STP IND DEM'");
      Authenticate::_setCookie($cookieName, $cookieContent, $cookieExpiration, $cookiePath, COOKIE_DOMAIN, false, true);

      // Unable to set cookies properly
      if (!isset($_COOKIE[COOKIE_VISITED])) {


   // Validate authenticated user
   public static function validateAuthUser($userCookie = true) {

      if (isset($_COOKIE[COOKIE_USER]) && $_COOKIE[COOKIE_USER] != "") {
         $cookieDataArr = explode(".", $_COOKIE[COOKIE_USER]);

         if (count($cookieDataArr) == 3) {
            list($userID, $cookieExpiration, $cookieHash) = $cookieDataArr;

            if ($cookieExpiration > time()) {
               $result = dbquery(
                  "SELECT * FROM ".DB_USERS."
                  WHERE user_id='".(isnum($userID) ? $userID : 0)."' AND user_status='0' AND user_actiontime='0'
                  LIMIT 1"
               if (dbrows($result) == 1) {
                  $user = dbarray($result);


                  $key = hash_hmac($user['user_algo'], $userID.$cookieExpiration, $user['user_salt']);
                  $hash = hash_hmac($user['user_algo'], $userID.$cookieExpiration, $key);

                  if ($cookieHash == $hash) {
                     return $user;
                  } else {
                     // Cookie has been tampered with!
                     return Authenticate::logOut();
               } else {
                  // User id does not exist or user_status / user_actiontime != 0
                  return Authenticate::logOut();
            } else {
               // Cookie expired
         } else {
            // Missing arguments in cookie
      } else {
         return Authenticate::getEmptyUserData();

   public static function validateAuthAdmin ($pass = "") {
      global $userdata;
      if (iADMIN) {
         if ($pass == "" && isset($_COOKIE[COOKIE_ADMIN]) && $_COOKIE[COOKIE_ADMIN] != "") {
            $cookieDataArr = explode(".", $_COOKIE[COOKIE_ADMIN]);
            if (count($cookieDataArr) == 3) {
               list($userID, $cookieExpiration, $cookieHash) = $cookieDataArr;

               if ($cookieExpiration > time()) {
                  $result = dbquery(
                     "SELECT user_admin_algo, user_admin_salt FROM ".DB_USERS."
                     WHERE user_id='".(isnum($userID) ? $userID : 0)."' AND user_level>101 AND  user_status='0' AND user_actiontime='0'
                     LIMIT 1"
                  if (dbrows($result) == 1) {
                     $user = dbarray($result);
                     $key = hash_hmac($user['user_admin_algo'], $userID.$cookieExpiration, $user['user_admin_salt']);
                     $hash = hash_hmac($user['user_admin_algo'], $userID.$cookieExpiration, $key);
                     if ($cookieHash == $hash) {
                        return true;
         } elseif ($pass != "") {
            $result = dbquery(
               "SELECT user_admin_algo, user_admin_salt, user_admin_password FROM ".DB_USERS."
               WHERE user_id='".$userdata['user_id']."' AND user_level>101 AND  user_status='0' AND user_actiontime='0'
               LIMIT 1"
            if (dbrows($result)  == 1) {
               $user = dbarray($result);
               if ($user['user_admin_algo'] != "md5") {
                  $inputHash = hash_hmac($user['user_admin_algo'], $pass, $user['user_admin_salt']);
               } else {
                  $inputHash = md5(md5($pass));
               if ($inputHash == $user['user_admin_password']) {
                  return true;
      return false;

   // Log out authenticated user
   public static function logOut() {
      $result = dbquery("DELETE FROM ".DB_ONLINE." WHERE online_ip='".USER_IP."'");
      //header("P3P: CP='NOI ADM DEV PSAi COM NAV OUR OTRo STP IND DEM'");
      Authenticate::_setCookie(COOKIE_USER, "", time() - 1209600, COOKIE_PATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, false, true);
      Authenticate::_setCookie(COOKIE_LASTVISIT, "", time() - 1209600, COOKIE_PATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, false, true);

      return Authenticate::getEmptyUserData();

   // Checks or sets the lastvisit cookie
   public static function setLastVisitCookie() {
      global $userdata;
      $guest_lastvisit = time() - 3600; $update_threads = false; $set_cookie = true;
      $cookie_exists   = isset($_COOKIE[COOKIE_LASTVISIT]) && isnum($_COOKIE[COOKIE_LASTVISIT]) ? true : false;

      if (iMEMBER) {
         if ($cookie_exists) {
            if ($_COOKIE[COOKIE_LASTVISIT] > $userdata['user_lastvisit']) {
               $update_threads = true;
               $lastvisit = $userdata['user_lastvisit'];
            } else {
               $set_cookie = false;
               $lastvisit = $_COOKIE[COOKIE_LASTVISIT];
         } else {
            $update_threads = true;
            $lastvisit = $userdata['user_lastvisit'];
         if ($update_threads) { dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_USERS." SET user_threads='' WHERE user_id='".$userdata['user_id']."'"); }
      } else {
         if ($cookie_exists) {
            if ($_COOKIE[COOKIE_LASTVISIT] > $guest_lastvisit) {
               $lastvisit = $guest_lastvisit;
            } else {
               $set_cookie = false;
               $lastvisit  = $_COOKIE[COOKIE_LASTVISIT];
         } else {
            $lastvisit = $guest_lastvisit;
      if ($set_cookie) {
         Authenticate::_setCookie(COOKIE_LASTVISIT, $lastvisit, time() + 3600, COOKIE_PATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, false, true);     
      return $lastvisit;

   // Checks and sets the admin last visit cookie
   public static function setAdminCookie($inputPassword) {
      global $userdata;

      if (iADMIN) {
         require_once CLASSES."PasswordAuth.class.php";

         // Initialize password auth
         $passAuth = new PasswordAuth();
         $passAuth->currentAlgo = $userdata['user_admin_algo'];
         $passAuth->currentSalt = $userdata['user_admin_salt'];
         $passAuth->currentPasswordHash = $userdata['user_admin_password'];
         $passAuth->inputPassword = $inputPassword;

         // Check if input password is valid
         if ($passAuth->isValidCurrentPassword(true)) {
            $userdata['user_admin_algo'] = $passAuth->getNewAlgo();
            $userdata['user_admin_salt'] = $passAuth->getNewSalt();
            $userdata['user_admin_password'] = $passAuth->getNewHash();

            $result = dbquery(
               "UPDATE ".DB_USERS."
               SET user_admin_algo='".$userdata['user_admin_algo']."', user_admin_salt='".$userdata['user_admin_salt']."', user_admin_password='".$userdata['user_admin_password']."'
               WHERE user_id='".$userdata['user_id']."'"

            Authenticate::setUserCookie($userdata['user_id'], $userdata['user_admin_salt'], $userdata['user_admin_algo'], false, false);

   // Get Loging Redirect Url
   public static function getRedirectUrl($errorId, $userStatus = "", $userId = "") {
      global $_SERVER;

      $return = BASEDIR."login.php?error=".$errorId;

      if ($userStatus) { $return .= "&status=".$userStatus; }
      if ($userId) { $return .= "&id=".$userId; }

      $return .= "&redirect=".urlencode($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

      if (FUSION_QUERY) { $return .= urlencode("?".preg_replace("/&amp;/i", "&", FUSION_QUERY)); }

      return $return;

   // Get Empty User Data
   public static function getEmptyUserData() {
      global $settings;

      return array("user_level" => 0, "user_rights" => "", "user_groups" => "", "user_theme" => $settings['theme']);

   // Set user theme
   private static function _setUserTheme(&$user) {
      global $settings;

      if ($settings['userthemes'] == 0 && $user['user_level'] < 102 && $user['user_theme'] != "Default") {
         $user['user_theme'] = "Default";

   private static function _setCookie ($cookieName, $cookieContent, $cookieExpiration, $cookiePath, $cookieDomain, $secure = false, $httpOnly = false) {
      if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '>=')) {
         setcookie($cookieName, $cookieContent, $cookieExpiration, $cookiePath, $cookieDomain, $secure, $httpOnly);
      } else {
         setcookie($cookieName, $cookieContent, $cookieExpiration, $cookiePath, $cookieDomain, $secure);

and change in MySQL settings table with urlsite i hostsite, still cant login :(
Edited by Ramage on 13-10-2015 12:49,
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Falk 146
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Sounds like a cookie issue for sure, start with restoring everything make it work with no www and no redirect.
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Falk 146
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Ramage 10
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