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Tables to DIVs

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Sorry but I just can't seem to get it! I need a quick/short answer on how to convert tables to divs. Specifically I have a table in my infusion that is simply 100% width with 4 data cells. Wrapping this in a table-responsive div works in the sense that on smaller screens(phones) it still displays with a scroll bar at the bottom. I don't want that; I need for the data cells to wrap under each other and be 4 data cells vertically. I don't think its possible with table-responsive (if so I don't know how); so if I can convert the table to a div setup it will accomplish what I need. I have looked at coding in the existing 9.03 files and here on main but cannot figure out anything that works. This has probably already been addressed but I can't seem to find anything.

Reference: You can see what I am talking about by going to my test site. It's my Site Statistics panel.

If I could just one time GET IT then I'm home free; I'll be able to save myself hours of coding experimentation and be able to convert ALL my infusions tables to divs. grin
Edited by Grimloch on 08-11-2019 16:50,
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Well once again I got ahead of myself. Nevermind on this; I figured it out for myself.
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Chan 0
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Slow down there. smile

DIV can be responsive (auto stack vertically in mobile) because of bootstrap grid was used. So you just need to look at Bootstrap Grid documentation online to learn how it works. It’s really simple anyway.

Table can be responsive (stack too) when done right but we are not quite there yet. So use the bootstrap ones to save some time so you can work on new content. Leave the tools for developers to ya core developers, we keep dishing out more and more to make work more convenient to everyone working their stuff with Fusion.
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