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Issue With PHPFusion Marketplace - Flooding Error

Asked Modified Viewed 583 times
[size=12]I am seeking Web Developers & Designers, Graphic Developers & Designers, Web, Mobile App & Computer Program Coders & Programmers & Beta & Alpha Testers for new PHP-Fusion Add-Ons like Themes, Infusions, BB-Codes and ETC, as well as Websites, Mobile App & Computer Programs to help me develop, design, code & program new PHP-Fusion Add-Ons, Websites, Mobile Apps & Computer Programs and I also need some people to test those in the Beta & Alpha stages both. All jobs are paid and are freelance jobs. Please message me here if interested for a list of available positions and projects. [/size]
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There is either an Error with the Marketplace or something needs changed. If I try placing more than ONE Add-On or Theme in my Cart at a time and ordering, I get an Error. The error is Flooding Ban - Please wait 15 Seconds Before Posting. It is a true PAIN to add one item at a time and do it that way when there's MANY I need. I thought the entire idea of the CART was to to be able to order multiple Add-Ons and Themes in one order? Also, only one or two of the Add-Ons or Themes I've tried to Order are added to my File Downloads. Is this a Bug or is this set up like this? If it is not a Bug and is set like that, please change it. I need so many Add-Ons and Themes, it's going to take me DAYS to download everything I need if I have to do one or two at a time. I never had this issue before, I could order as many as I wanted with no issue and now this.
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Chan 0
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There was an influx of activities earlier that causes the website to lag out, so I have increased the timer to 15 seconds to cut down server requests.
15 seconds to read what an infusion/theme is about was quite fair.

If you navigate to another category from one item to another item, browse through it, read the description, add to cart, that will take more than 15 seconds itself. Even then adding item to cart within 5 seconds is as if you trying to download every single item under a category. Why would you need so many add-ons and themes just for 1 site?

I have lowered the settings for flood actions to 5 second now without risking bot spamming forum. But that is the maximum I'm willing to tolerate. Count to 6 before clicking. The Add to cart button is not a Simulation Game.
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Chan 0
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[size=12]I am seeking Web Developers & Designers, Graphic Developers & Designers, Web, Mobile App & Computer Program Coders & Programmers & Beta & Alpha Testers for new PHP-Fusion Add-Ons like Themes, Infusions, BB-Codes and ETC, as well as Websites, Mobile App & Computer Programs to help me develop, design, code & program new PHP-Fusion Add-Ons, Websites, Mobile Apps & Computer Programs and I also need some people to test those in the Beta & Alpha stages both. All jobs are paid and are freelance jobs. Please message me here if interested for a list of available positions and projects. [/size]
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