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Introduction to Addons

There are seven major components in PHPFusion.

- Core
- Infusions
- Panels
- Themes
- User Fields
- BBCodes
- Widgets

In PHPFusion the Core is the main resource and provide tool facilities to the other components in order to work in one unified environment.

Why Addons
Addons is for your custom content.
All your modifications and custom content should be taking place in all other sections that is non Core modifications.
This means that you must never edit Core PHPFusion files to extend the functionality of your site.
When you do that, you will be unable to update to the new version of the CMS when it is available because it will overwrite all your files.
Therefore, you should always use the PHPFusion APIs or SDKs with stand-alone files separated from Core.
Each plugin can extend your site to whatever the desired extend you may want it to be, and is also always separated from each other while sharing the same PHPFusion ecosystem provided by the Core.

PHPFusion Addons allows you to greatly extend the features and functionality of PHPFusion.