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Infusions, Panels and Themes Development

PHPFusion Infusions, Panels and Themes are packages that will extend the CMS content creation capabilities.
Each Infusion are separated into a directory to hold the package so that they are clear and organised in one place.

To start a new Infusion, Panel or a Theme, you can follow the steps outlined below.

1, Use our Addon Generator. (v9)
2, Download our SDK. (v9)
3, See and study present examples in the folders listed below.

Themes goes to root/themes/THEMENAME
Infusions goes to root/infusions/INFUSION
Panels goes to root/infusions/PANELNAME_PANEL
BBCodes goes to root/includes/bbcodes/BBCODENAME_bbcode_include ( two files + locale ).
user_fields goes to root/includes/user_fields/user_FIELDNAME_include ( two files + locale ).