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Do I need a license to sell my Addons?

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if i will offer for example an Infusion for nothing (no money) only on my site with PHP Fusion i must buy a license from PHP Fusion. But if i offer it on a site without PHP Fusion i don't need buy a license. And i can do what i want with the Infusion that i had make.

Please tell me, why i should buy a license, when i make something for PHP Fusion?

Please understand me right. I invested my time in the Infusion and it is for all, but the download should be only from my site. If that all right, i must be stupid, if i make something for PHP Fusion. Or is that all nonsens and i understand the license system wrong?
Edited by Falk on 04-01-2020 10:05,
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I think you need a license only if you want to sell it.
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I must offer it under the under GNU Affero GPL v3. so everybody can take it and offer it also on this site. Or i must buy a license.
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faga 10
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You don't need to upload it here, it's your choice. You can offer it on your website, like I do with my themes. It was my choice to upload them here. :)
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Chan 0
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You only need to buy license to revoke the footer Copyrights ( CRL ).

Edit : And a CCL to sell commercial Addons.
Edited by Falk on 04-01-2020 01:34,
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I have read your Licensing FAQ and wonder about the answer to this question.


Can I have a site licensed under AGPL and sell custom made themes, Infusions etc from that site?


No, you can't, due to restrictions decided by AGPL. In such a case, you need a CCL license.

Isn't that nonsense? If I take another CMS or download system I can do that. Only with PHP fusion itself not?
I can sell all sorts of things on a PHP Fusion site, but nothing for PHPFusion after the answer
Chan's answer was different then.

What is correct now?
Edited by Harlekin on 04-01-2020 00:18,
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Chan 0
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If you are in the digital business, you need to acknowledge that AGPL is very infectious. Any codes that is formed and cannot run independently without PHPFusion is caught by AGPL's definition of "networked codes". Therefore, any person must be bound to share it unless expressly waived by the project copyright owner, PHPFusion.

Can I have a site licensed under AGPL and sell custom made themes, Infusions etc from that site?
I apologise if you find my answers are in shortfall in my previous answer.

If you are selling on PHPFusion CMS to sell PHPFusion related digital codes. First off, being PHPFusion CMS already itself state that your site is running under AGPL license, clearly it can be read by anyone, and will raise question how are you able to "protect" your codes if those codes are for a site which states your site is run on AGPL terms?

Things that you can sell using PHPFusion, like T-Shirts, E-books, Lecture, Tuitions, Video access, etc. Yes, you can sell that because AGPL doesn't require you to share those unrelated to PHPFusion.

But when it comes to Addons specifically made for PHPFusion, AGPL will infect on those. What happens is when people download these codes, they can share it without your consent if, it's not EPAL / CRL / CCL. How then are you suppose to protect your interest as a developer?

Hence's I've explained earlier, you will need a CRL or a CCL in order to remove that copyright stating it's AGPL on the footer of your site.
CRL for sites for non-commercial purposes.
CCL for sites for commercial purposes. (in your case)


This license grants you the right to remove the PHPFusion Copyright Information that is present on every single page of the Standard Edition of PHPFusion and it also allows you to keep whatever changes you, or somebody else do for you on your behalf , private to yourself in commercial production environments. The paragraph in AGPL that states that all changes must be shared if interaction is possible via a network is revoked under this here license.

See how it applies if you are running on non-PHPFusion CMS as store front and sell PHPFusion codes within it? For example using Magento to sell PHPFusion Codes.

The AGPL will still arguably apply. And you'll want to avoid that. In business, try to avoid middle zone or grey area as these are risk. We want to make money, not pushing boundaries.

This argument is closed if you can claim you have a certificate license.. since in these license, PHPFusion expressly give you permission to re-wrap your codes under other license after the whole of your site is revoked, (i.e. proprietary license). There on your customer's site, they are bound by your proprietary license. And they will still need a CRL to protect their purchase, again arguably. There, Catch22 in my honest opinion.

If I am a seller for PHPFusion mods, it spells troublesome.

That is why we provide developers a Marketplace, as it is an outright the solution we provide to all developers.

Surely you have considered before all these, but maybe you have never considered the impact that entails it.

Here I can provide some business insights for you:

⯈ php-fusion.co.uk is the most visited site globally, under the keyword "php-fusion". Type that in and see what google shows. Our traffic is huge. You can run any mods site for free downloads, and you'll still lose to the traffic on this site, by far.

⯈ Marketplace - is the no.2 most visited page on this site, more than the forum on this albeit "official support forum" site.

You can harvest our traffic and redirect your customers to your 0 traffic site (newly established) for support. Otherwise who will optimise google results? You'll never be able to outrun google search ranking against this site.

⯈ Core Developer like me is 24/7/365 dedicated to provide and debug tools and make more codes to empower functions of this site.

You have to cast aside at least a year of development without income just to prepare a site that isn't proven to be use? Then expenses that will follow for Hosting cost and EV Ssl cost ? Hire Developer cost whenever there is additional features/updates to be made ? Consistencies issues? So many to consider here. Support forum for all the kinds of questions will not cut it or rather impractical.

⯈ Marketplace can handle payment for you, and we collect only 20% of sales for developer's fees.
Fair share I would say for all the facilities provided.

⯈ Your customer and our customer is ready user. Ready user to download to test/try/order.

We provide support for everyone, that is what this site is about. Any tough questions, how bad will it look like when your customer ask something you don't know?

You see, before being a MT member, lead developer or anything else, we are coders as well. We love fellow developers who thinks PHPFusion is a good software, have potential and can be worthwhile. We know what hardship everyone face, and we try to cater a "service" for developers and "software" for users. The market will expand as soon as we extends the next version with remote API in Administration, and other work in progress.

If I take another CMS or download system I can do that. Only with PHP fusion itself not? I can sell all sorts of things on a PHP Fusion site, but nothing for PHPFusion without a valid license.

I always agree to the ultimate open source license, it's the full commitment in my sole opinion without hideous agenda.

Before modder's interest, the core developer's interest must be protected as they were victims of AGPL;
Before user's interest, the modder's interest must be protected as they were victims of AGPL;
Before core developer's interest, the project's interest must be protected as they were victims of AGPL;
In return, you get free software;
In return you get a big community;
In return you get the a globally re-known platform you call CMS;

Summarily, you can use PHPFusion to monetize on everything else, except itself. Simply put, if you want to break the cycle of PHPFusion code distribution, you need to ante up something. Remove that AGPL. This applies to users, core developers, developers, modders, and users from all levels. Then you don't need to share.

Only then, the "free" cycle completes.

Edit; Free GPL sites work that way too, when you mod, and if you publish it, you need to provide the copy of it when requested.
In GPL, if you release the modified version to the public in some way, the GPL requires you to make the modified source code available to the program's users, under the GPL. When you sell, literally they can publish it when they've obtained it by default, and you have to come up with a license of your own to override the "arguable" source code protection. Unlike AGPL, GPL doesn't need you to do anything when demanded. They just inherited the permission from you by default, so they can use a torrent to get your codes and torrent it away. As oppose to EPAL, that is outright piracy for them to do that. Hence, a very solid author protection.

At PHPFusion, we are used to attend to every single thread because we know there's nothing to gain or to monetise on PHPFusion technologies. We do not want argument, we all want to proceed to code and keep enhancing and go to the next level as soon as we can. If you have any code to inspect, paste here, someone will look at it, and they will share an answer with you. I've received help and I will give help. That is the kind of culture at least I have been infused with smile
Edited by Falk on 04-01-2020 09:19,
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