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Custom modification request

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You know what?... I Don't Know Either. (And No Matches - Scooter (2008))

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Hello everybody,

i am looking for someone who can help me create a custom made infusion/modification.

For my movie based wabsite i am looking for an infusion/modification which gives us more opportunities for our website.

What we are looking for, is something where we can add information of movies, like who's acting and directing, upload cover art and a plotline of the movies and things like that, but also there needs to be an option where we can add reviews of these movies, so people who are visiting our website can find information about the movie, but also a review of this movie, written by ourselfs.

I don't know if somebody can help us with this, but i really hope somebody could.

Basically, what we are looking for is an infusion looking like IMDB, but than a little bit adjusted for our own site offcourse.
it should have the same possibilities like IMDB, also members should be able to add movies, and upload cover art, add actor, director, writer names and thins like that, but also should there be an special page for actors, directors and things like that, so they can also see what movies the actor did, and so on.

I hope i have made myself clear in this, if you need some more information, please contact me, here on this site, or by email: tommy@themoviehouse.nl

I really hope somebody is able to help us with this, that would be awesome.
Please let me know if you can help us.

Thanks for the help, and hopefully also for the results.

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spunk 10
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Look at this site: http://thickbox.de

There is a rewritten notice_board Infusion.

I think it is nice, but the webmaster donĀ“t give this version away :@
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You know what?... I Don't Know Either. (And No Matches - Scooter (2008))

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This is something what i am looking for, but more enhanced.
The site you shown me is not noarly complete like IMDB.

I really am looking for an infusion with most of the possibilities like IMDB.

Also is this website not helpfull for me, since you tell me the webmaster won't give away this version. I am now working with PHP Fusion, and i would like to keep it like that.
So i am not looking for a new script, i want an infusion created for me for PHP Fusion, not a stand alone website script.

Thank you for your answer, but this is not what i mean, sorry.
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Archer 9
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Does that site have a licence ? If not then they must share, also they need the theme copyright there.
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Ugleh 10
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Archer wrote:

Does that site have a licence ? If not then they must share, also they need the theme copyright there.

according to the site they do not have the php-fusion copyright so its probably safe to assume they have a license... and even if they didn't they don't HAVE to release it. If i made something you liked you couldn't force me to release it :)
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Homdax 10
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Yes, you have to Ugleh.

You buy the license to keep your own stuff and NOT release it.

This is a common misconception with AGPL. AGPL effectively forces you to release any and all code that you have running publicly on your site and that your users interact with. It must be released. The theme, the core mods, AddOns, anything and all must be available for you casual visitor to read up on or to download. You may demand a registration of the user and you are not forced to support the ones who uses your code, but share it you must.

We can't call the cops, but we can ban users who do not comply and we can contact their hosts and have the site shut. We have successfully done so in the past and will keep doing it in the future.
Edited by Homdax on 19-05-2012 23:54,
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Archer 9
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Thank you Richard Ainz. I could have said it but no one would have believed me and this would have turned into a flame war.

Thanks Archer
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You know what?... I Don't Know Either. (And No Matches - Scooter (2008))

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First of all, i have not a bought licence, i just have the copyrights of php fusion in the footer.

About the theme, it is custom made by myself, so i do have the ownership rights of this, and it is available here on this site for download, so i have kept myself to this part of the AGPL licence. Other infusions are downloaded from other users, so not custom made.

And about the custom made infusion, i was never told that i needed a licence to have somebody create a custom made infusion for me.
I only want this infusion for my website, to expand the possibilities, nothing more.

But if nobody here wants to do this for me, i will look further. I have no problems with sharing infusions, but i would like to have this. And if other users can use it also, than there is no problem for me.

I will continue my search elsewhere, and when the infusion is made, you can see it here, it will be available then in the downloads.
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Homdax 10
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That sounds great, djtommy. ;)
I am sorry if we hijacked your thread a bit here. Not my intention, but Ugleh's statement made it essential.

thickbox.de is probably under the same obligation so if you establish contact you can tell them that.
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Wanabo 10
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This reply referred to http://thickbox.de, not to you Tommy.


Archer wrote:

Does that site have a licence ? If not then they must share, also they need the theme copyright there.


And about the custom made infusion, i was never told that i needed a licence to have somebody create a custom made infusion for me.

You don't! (correct me if I'm wrong.)
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You know what?... I Don't Know Either. (And No Matches - Scooter (2008))

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Ow i started worrying i did something wrong :)

I was affraid i did something wrong with my site over here.

And no problem offcourse for the discussion over here, i misunderstood it a little bit :)

Edit: Mail to the site thickbox.de was send.
I will keep you informed of what they send me as a reply.
Edited by djtommy on 20-05-2012 15:34,
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Homdax 10
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You know what?... I Don't Know Either. (And No Matches - Scooter (2008))

PHP Fusion Dutch & Belgium Support:
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Wanabo 10
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Ugleh 10
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spunk 10
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Archer 9
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