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Upgrading from 7 to 9

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Hello :) First of all i would like to thank everyone involved in this project. Im a huge fan of fusion ever since i started using it back in 2006. I have just a little experience with php and fusion, but enough to be able to run my community sites with a mix of premade and custom design's.

I just recently upgraded our community forum from PHPFusion-7.02.07 to PHPFusion-9.0

It was with lots of excitement i went through the upgrade process. Every step up to Step 2.5 · went good but here i encountered error messages each time i updated an infusion. At one point the entire screen got filled with errors. I got terrified, but refreshing the page solved it and i could continue the update process.

The rest of the upgrade was quick and smooth. But no one but myself was able to login after the upgrade because of the User levels being wrong. i solved this by changing it, like mentioned here: https://www.php-fusion.co.uk/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=38515

My first impression of the new Fusion is great. I really love the changes and the new additions of code. The admin panel is truly amazing. It feels new and refreshed but it is still true to the original fusion feel.

Im impressed and amazed by the superb work that has gone into creating Fusion 9.

But, i got this problem. When i try to use the Septenary theme, i experience that none of the menu buttons above and below the center image is clickable, rendering the theme unusable for me. When i use the Bootstrap theme, the site shows perfectly, without any errors. However, i do not understand how to edit the theme, so the design can reflect the purpose of the site, rather then being plain white. Like adding a background image or something liek this.

After i understood there was a huge differnece in how to work with themes in 9 compared to 7, i tried loading our v7 theme and it worked. However, there seems to be a conflict between the theme css and the new ability to manage themes from the admin panel, making the forum colors mixed up with categories having white background (bootstrap style) with black text but the threads being shown with the old theme background properties of #333 opacity 0.3 with black text. So all forum posts is shown as just black until you drag your mouse over it marking the text in blue.

So after a coupe of days trying to figure out how to customize the look of fusion 9 to our needs, i found out that i either going to need some help or pay someone to do this for me. Changing to another CMS is NOT an option :P

Fusion 9 is awesome! Keep up the amazing work.
Edited by Robin85 on 10-08-2017 16:47,
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Thank you kindly for all the kind words !


But, i got this problem. When i try to use the Septenary theme,

You can try the github version of sept, : https://github.com/PHPFusion/PHPFusion
Download whole pack but only replace the theme, that is a dev version so rest is not fully tested yet.


i tried loading our v7 theme and it worked. However, there seems to be a conflict between the theme css and the new ability to manage themes from the admin panel,

Yes the new ability is essentially only viable for Bootstrap enabled themes.
If you load an older v7 theme it is recommended to disable bootstrap for best function, but each theme differs, some maybe have problems with 9 due to that.
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Thank you for your quick response. It is much appriciated.


If you load an older v7 theme it is recommended to disable bootstrap for best function, but each theme differs, some maybe have problems with 9 due to that.

So i did, i turned off bootstrap in theme manager but it broke the admin panel and i am not able to to use the admin panel anymore, as the User panel is shown on top of the admin panel, see picture:

How can i enable the bootstrap without using the admin panel?
Thanks in advance
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In themes/templates/admin_header.php https://github.com/PHPFusion/PHPFusion/blob/9.02/themes/templates/admin_header.php#L45 on line 45 change
if ($settings['bootstrap'])

if ($settings['bootstrap'] || defined('BOOTSTRAP'))

In themes/admin_themes/Material/acp_theme.php https://github.com/PHPFusion/PHPFusion/blob/9.03/themes/admin_themes/Material/acp_theme.php#L26

define('BOOTSTRAP', TRUE);
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Thank you, RobiNN :) It worked perfectly.
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Upgrading issues - 9


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