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when upgrading site_name and site_description is overwritten with "Upgrade.....................

Asked Modified Viewed 1,142 times
Wanabo 10
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It's my summer holiday, so I started a new project: https://uap-sightings.com/forum

Downloaded v9.10.00 earlier today and installed it with no problems. Tonight I noticed a new version was available, v9.10.10.
Upgraded to this new version but got stuck with "Upgrade......................." in site_name and site_description.

New site so I did not backed it up yet. Site_name was no problem to re-enter, but what the f*** was my site_description.
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9.10 is not released yet... and 9.10.10 is just for auto update testing. Site name and description are changed on purpose to see if DB upgrade really works.

So thanks for (not planned) test lol. Looks like it works fine.

And how many times do I have to write that the Github version is not intended for use on real sites. It may have some issues or may contain codes for testing. Stable version is always available on this site or in Archive
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Wanabo 10
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root\includes\classes\PHPFusion\SiteLinks.php line: 498

 $language_opts .= "<a id='ddlangs".$id."' href='#' class='nav-link dropdown-toggle pointer' data-toggle='dropdown' aria-haspopup='true' aria-expanded='false' title='".translate_lang_names(LANGUAGE)."'><img class='m-r-5' src='".$current_language['language_icon_s']."' alt='".translate_lang_names(LANGUAGE)."'/> <span class='".self::getMenuParam('caret_icon')."'></span></a>\n";

Are the closing tags of list missing? Added at the end of the line </li>
 $language_opts .= "<a id='ddlangs".$id."' href='#' class='nav-link dropdown-toggle pointer' data-toggle='dropdown' aria-haspopup='true' aria-expanded='false' title='".translate_lang_names(LANGUAGE)."'><img class='m-r-5' src='".$current_language['language_icon_s']."' alt='".translate_lang_names(LANGUAGE)."'/> <span class='".self::getMenuParam('caret_icon')."'></span></a></li>\n";

List was previously specified in line 497, $language_opts = "<li class='nav-item dropdown'>";


Same file line 808, I think </li> should be removed.
 $l_2 = (empty($id) ? "<span class='".self::getMenuParam('caret_icon')."'></i>" : "");

 $l_2 = (empty($id) ? "<span class='".self::getMenuParam('caret_icon')."'>" : "");

These possible errors were found with w3c validator.
Edited by Wanabo on 22-07-2021 22:10,
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Are the closing tags of list missing? Added at the end of the line </li>

Closing tag is on line 509


Same file line 808, I think </li> should be removed.

This is correct $l_2 = (empty($id) ? "<i class='".self::getMenuParam('caret_icon')."'></i>" : "");, thanks for report, fixed.
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Wanabo 10
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Anonymous User 367
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