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Implementing java applet

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Kuuke 10
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I'm trying to implement a java applet which displays the current moon phase and the position of the moons of Jupiter in a page.

To do this I use the html-editor in TinyMCE.

It seems to be that the html-editor is not able to save the code because after finishing and saving the page I can't see the applet. If I reopen the html-editor of TinyMCE the code is gone.

I tried to do this in news, articles and custom pages (last one is modified so I can use TinyMCE there).

I put the code in a html-editor outside PHPFusion and TinuMCE. There it is working so I suppose there is nothing wrong with the code I want to use.

Is it correct that the html-editor in TinyMCE doesn't save changes or am I overlooking something...
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WEC 10
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You cannot use applets in news and articles for security reasons. Such code will be removed by the sanitising in maincore.php:

// This function sanitises news & article submissions

You can use applets in custom pages and in panels.

Post your code and it will be easier to help you to integrate it into e.g. a custom page.
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Kuuke 10
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below the code I want to use:


<P ALIGN=CENTER><applet code="JupSat.class" CODEBASE="jupsat/" width=600 height=80>

I tried to use this code in custom pages but it doens't work. Maybe because I'm using a modified custom pages where I always ahve TinyMCE available.
The html-editor of YinyMCE strips the code out I think.
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WEC 10
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The code should work directly in a custom page. If you use TinyMCE for custom pages, then use the html button in TinyMCE and paste the code in the pop up.

You may have to edit the path to the JupSat.class to get it working.
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Kuuke 10
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No, it doesn't :@

That's the problem :)

I'm pretty sure the code I use is okay beacuse if a make a static html-page outside PHPFusion the applet is working. But in a custum page using the html-editor it doesn't save the code: it strips everything out.

After saving the page and re-calling the html-code this is the only part which is left:


<p align="center">&nbsp;</p>

Okay, I just tested this on another PHPFusion site I own. On this site custom pages is not modified to use TinyMCE. On this site it works :D !

So the problem is somewhere in TinyMCE but were.....
Edited by Kuuke on 28-01-2007 23:38,
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WEC 10
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Then you need to remove TinyMCE for the custom page. It's working in a core custom page.
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Kuuke 10
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That's the easiest solution. I don't like easy solutions :P

I need that modification of costum pages to control a huge amount of custom pages. I won't throw this modification away for an applet.

This modification is a must have, the applet just nice to have ;)

Thanks for your support but I will keep looking for another solution. Maybe the wrapperpage infusion can help me in this..
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WEC 10
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If you search then you will find a mod that will give you the option to toggle TinyMCE on and off in custom pages. That might be a solution for you.
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