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How to link a photo in the panel

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OK I'm having a slight problem. I have a sponsor so I made a panel on the right had side and added their banner but having trouble finding how to link the banner to their site.

The code I have so far works but just need the link code so people can click on the banner and it will take them to their site.

Here is the code I'm using....

echo "<center><img src='http://www.happynappyradio.co.uk/home/images/advertiseere.jpg' style='margin:5px' width='120px'><br>";

It would be fantastic if anyone can help.

All the Best.
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Joe Kriz
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Just like standard .html

You need the <a href='addresshere'> like this below

echo "<center><a href='addresshere'><img src='http://www.happynappyradio.co.uk/home/images/advertiseere.jpg' style='margin:5px' width='120px' border='0' alt='' /></a></center><br>";

Don't forget to end your </center> as you did in your original post.
Also the img needs a space and a / to end the img like shown above.
And even more, you should have border='0' and alt='' to be compliant with many browsers etc...
Edited by Joe Kriz on 04-12-2008 05:05,
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