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Avatar upload problem.

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Hello, this is my first time using fusion, it's really nice! Much appreciated for all the hard work put into it.

I do have one problem however, it's with avatar uploads. I did run a search and apparently it's a problem that I'm not alone with, some people fixing and others not. I've tried altering the .php file from [ to -, I have the correct 777 applied to the folders, I've tried re-installing, tried deleting and re-creating the avatars folder, anything I tried from these suggestions that I saw on the forums do not seem to work for me.

my site is : http://wafiks.com/sml/news.php - It's a community site for my MMO that I play. As you can see, the images/photo albums work, it's just problems with the uploading avatar not working.

My avatar has the correct dimensions, under 100x100 and is 5kb.
When I put the image in the section near the "browse" button, and hit either enter or press submit, the page refreshes saying "Profile successfully updated" however when I go to check my post on the forums there is nothing there. I also checked the /avatars folder via my ftp client and there are no new files in there, as if it can not write to this folder (even though it's set to 777).

Thankyou for your time reading this, unfortunately it's 3AM (yes this kept me up :p ) where I am and cannot reply immediately if you have a question. for me.
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First question: does the avatar have a space in the image name? Then it will not upload. Most likely it will not upload either if there are 'illegal' characters in the name. Give it a simple name and try again.
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My file name is a short name LWBSTr.jpg , i dont think that's the problem :|
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I guess you've already tried this with a different Avatar? You can check if your current Avatar work on this site, just to make sure.
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sveinungs wrote:
I guess you've already tried this with a different Avatar? You can check if your current Avatar work on this site, just to make sure.

Hmm that's interesting, it wont even load here :o

I dont think it's the avatar though, because I already use it on another forum (phpbb2).

I did try use another avatar and the other one worked hmmm.

Edit : I actually found the problem, my avatar was slightly above 100 pix in height, I re-checked it in photoshop. However phpfusion for some reason did not give a warning message, it just would say "profile updated" :| Perhaps I've found a bug in the system?
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Your right about this: it don't give any warnings about the avatar if it's broken or to big in any way. It's not to be considered a bug though.

In a further release a warningmessage could be implementet, I guess. So it's more a feature request.

Your problem is solved, and that's most important.
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