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User verification email not sending

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jokes 10
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I am having an issue on one site with the verification email on registration not sending out. The site has been active for 2 weeks, and I figure the problem started a few days ago at least. I have not done any work on the files of the site, and registration works fine without the email verification turned on. Any suggestions? I believe users were getting the emails the first week... then it just stopped working.

TIA! and Happy Holidays!
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double check the email address under the main settings.

usually when this isn't filled out correctly it brings up the "send mail failure" message and/or the "page not found" error for those members trying to activate their accounts.
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jokes 10
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The site email is fine, I even changed it to test it on another mail addy, but still no luck. I also tested by using the contact.php page and the server sent an email just fine. Just the user registration is not sending out.

Also, I am not getting any errors when registering... the email just never gets sent out. I am testing using a real email, not a hotmail, yahoo, or other online mail type where the verification may get canned into the junk folder.

Now I am also noticing by looking at the database through phpmyadmin, that the new registered user that is trying to wait for verification is not even added to the database under _users column... shouldn't they be listed in there, even though they have not been verified yet?

I see where the information goes... new users waiting to be verified go into a table called... new_users B).. makes sense... anyways... I just tried again, and the information the user registering puts in goes to the new_user table, but still no email.
Edited by jokes on 18-12-2006 21:36,
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WEC 10
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Pending users are listed in the _new_users table. Upon successful registration or activation by admin, the user is moved to the _users table.
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jokes 10
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That's all understandable, just need to find clues as to why the email is not being sent/delivered for the user to verify themselves. I also do not have admin interaction required, so the user must verify from email... but they cannot if they never get the email. I don't beleive it's a delivery issue, it's more of a send issue... that just HAPPENED one day without any reason. Any clues on what I can check, besides the site email setting (which is correct and has been changed and tested a few times). I have even had the server rebooted, in case it was a php issue on server, but that did not correct the issue either.
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WEC 10
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You can preview this in a custom page to test PHPFusion sendmail function. Edit the e-mail address:

require_once INCLUDES."sendmail_include.php";

$toname = "Mr_Bbbb";

$toemail = "blabla@gmail.com";

$fromname = "Meee";

$fromemail = "blabla@gmail.com";

$subject = "My Subject";

$message = "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3. Test PHPFusion sendemail";

// Send
sendemail($toname,$toemail,$fromname,$fromemail,$subject,$message, 'plain', '', '');

echo "Sent";

If you receive the e-mail, then your sending e-mails is working and you probably got an error in either script, database or configuration.
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