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strange theme error

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Puiu 10
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Without me doing anything my site stopped working displaying this error:
Warning: require_once(includes/theme_functions_include.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/ecchido/public_html/themes/devotionpro/theme.php on line 26

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'includes/theme_functions_include.php' (include_path='/opt/php/lib/php'wink in /home/ecchido/public_html/themes/devotionpro/theme.php on line 26

I tried to fix this, but i didn't manage, here's what i tried:
1)reuploaded the files, but i still got that error
2)modified the code:
require_once INCLUDES."theme_functions_include.php";
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/includes/theme_functions_include.php"wink;
but still nothing
I noticed that if i moved the theme_functions file to the theme dir it found it, but that way it showed too many errors --> why can't the file be found when it was working normally just a while ago?
Edited by Puiu on 25-05-2008 23:00,
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Are you sure you didn't change anything? No php-fusion update? Did you re-upload the whole devotionpro folder? Where did you get devotionpro?
Did you try activating a different theme? did you get the same or similar errors?
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Puiu 10
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i tried other themes and it's the same
the require_once function doesn't work properly
edit: could it be form my host? I'm not a free host so i don't think i should have this problem (not after 1 year with no such problems)
Edited by Puiu on 26-05-2008 00:14,
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You said in your first post you re-uploaded the files. Did you re-upload the original includes/theme_functions_include.php file from the php-fusion version your site is using?
I don't think it's something your host did.

Remember to make a full site backup. That is your sql database and all your host files.
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jak17 10
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i had the same problem! what happened was that i downloaded the theme and it came in a folder called "My Theme". Inside that folder there was another one called "My Theme. " And inside that second folder were the actual php files. I uploaded the first folder containing all the other folders and that was the problem. And i got the same message. by uploading JUST the second My Theme folder with only the php files inside i fixed the problem
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Just some Guy
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Unmod the codes back to the way they were and double check you don't have any capital letters anywhere... Themes/devotionpro/

Check your includes folder is in the right place with the correct files inside. I know that sounds weird, but it happened to me once, my entire includes folder got moved somehow into another folder.
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Puiu 10
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This is one of the most stupid errors i ever got.
Everything is in the right place and there aren't any capital letters.
It seems that it doesn't recognize the root folder and it sees the theme dir as the root folder.
If i make an includes folder int the theme dir (devotionpro/includes) and copy the file there it finds it, but this way the site doesn't work properly because the file isn't in the right place
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did you try a different theme ?

if not it would be worth a try as that will tell you if its the theme or something else.
if needed here some sql to change it.
Please be sure that you change Simplicity to a theme that is available remaining aware of character case.

UPDATE fusion_settings SET theme = 'Simplicity'

If you have tried other themes and they are all broken i suggest a re upload of the maincore.php since thats where the defined directories are started and maybe its got corrupt during a backup or something.

you could also try echo INCLUDES; just to check that its looking in the right place.

Remember that these are nothing more than ideas. As with any blind assistance it is mostly guesswork as we don't see the problem or have the ability in most cases to see the error in action :)
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