Hey! All Tomb Raider fans or admirers. Please visit: http://www.tombraiderworld.net.tc we offer the latest news like Tomb Raider Chronicles.com and more like Laras Biography.
See that theme? Can you please fix the copyright. This theme is clearly Gillette Christmas which is Gillette however you If you want to call it "Underworld theme" you will need to place the following copyright.
"Underworld theme by Tiernan. Based on Gillette Christmas By Fangree productions and Gillette by Matonor."
Oh brilliant! :( This isn't my server cause my other sites work! This just isn't fair! :( When I put in proper 'based on gillete christmas by fangree' It stoped working! :(
EDIT: Oh I forgot 'Ken' that was a very nice thing of you to say. NOT! I didn't like that listen I'm trying to get it fixed and your sitting there being nasty!. :@