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Showcase:: Craig's Sites

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Craig 14
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Here is the showcase of my PHPFusion sites.

Currently I run 3 PHPFusion based sites.

Hosting for all sites from Memset thanks to Richard Ainz!



Craig - PHPFusion Mods UK Founder & Lead Developer
Richard Ainz - PHPFusion Mods UK Server Admin & Support


PHPFusion Mods UK is an unofficial PHPFusion mods, support & development site.

On June 19 2009 PHPFusion Mods UK opened it's doors to the PHPFusion Mods Community under our old name Fangree Productions. We have since then released over 200 Addons and over 50 themes for PHPFusion. With an average of 50000 of our addons and themes downloaded via PHPFusion Mods UK.
Since opening in 2009 there has been over 2,923,377 unique visits & 2261 users registered and counting.
PHPFusion Mods UK has been hosted by 3 hosts since opening, Heart Internet, Kualo and now we are hosted by one of the UK's best web hosting, Memset thanks to Richard Ainz AKA Homdax, Aincite.

In July 2012 Fangree Productions changed name to simply what it is now PHPFusion Mods UK. We are the only well known and established UK Based PHPFusion Mods site online and have a good reputation for providing quality addons, themes and mods and pride ourselves in providing the best and fastest support for our developments.

This years as we celebrate our 5th year online we will hold some special online events on the site and will continue to develop and support all the PHPFusion Mods Community. This year we will also aim to release as much as we possibly can and continue to develop for FREE for our PHPFusion Community Friends.

Link: http://www.phpfusionmods.co.uk
Domain Owner: Craig
PHPFusion Copyright Removal License v1.0 Granted For phpfusionmods.co.uk




Craig - PHPFusion Mods UK Founder & Lead Developer
Richard Ainz - PHPFusion Mods UK Server Admin & Support


PHPFusion Mods UK is an unofficial PHPFusion mods, support & development site.
PHPFusion Mods UK - Development Blog is the Development Blog for all PHPFusion Mods UK Development & Design Projects. PHPFusion Mods UK - Development Blog is open to everyone to view and read about projects and developments we are working on. Please feel free to leave comments and feedback.
No Registration Required!

Link: http://www.dev-blog.phpfusionmods.co.uk
Domain Owner: Craig




Craig - PHPFusion Mods UK Founder & Lead Developer
Richard Ainz - PHPFusion Mods UK Server Admin & Support


This is PHPFusion Mods UK Themes Demo site where we showcase themes by us.
Select from the Theme Switcher to preview our themes.

Link: http://www.themes-demo.phpfusionmods....ods.co.uk/
Domain Owner: Craig




Craig - PHPFusion Mods UK Founder & Lead Developer
Richard Ainz - PHPFusion Mods UK Server Admin & Support


This is the official FusionTube Site.
Everyone is welcome to register and watch and submit videos.
[FusionTube] is a video database infusion for PHPFusion CMS and is used for embedding videos from YouTube.
FusionTube is continually under going changes and we are always trying to improve it.

Link: http://www.fusiontube.co.uk/
Domain Owner: Craig
Edited by Craig on 10-04-2014 14:42,
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Looks good Craig! Keep up this wonderful job
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oh, fangree WelcomeB)

i like very nice site:G
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jikaka 10
www.rusfusion.ru - russian nss
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— 1 month later —
Craig 14
  • Fusioneer, joined since
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It's hard to believe it has been almost 5 years since PHPFusion Mods UK (Fangree Productions) opened to the PHPFusion Mods Community.

On June 19 2009 PHPFusion Mods UK opened it's doors to the PHPFusion Mods Community under our old name Fangree Productions. We have since then released over 200 Addons and over 50 themes for PHPFusion. With an average of 50000 of our addons and themes downloaded via the site.

Since opening in 2009 there has been over 3,105,500 unique visits & 2270 users registered and counting. We have been hosted by 3 hosts since opening, Heart Internet, Kualo and now we are hosted by one of the UK's best web hosting, Memset thanks to Richard Ainz.

In July 2012 Fangree Productions changed name to simply what it is now PHPFusion Mods UK. We are the only well known and established UK Based PHPFusion Mods site online and have a good reputation for providing quality addons, themes and mods and pride ourselves in providing the best and fastest support for our developments.

This years as we celebrate our 5th year online we will continue to develop and support all the PHPFusion Mods Community.

I would like to thank everyone for their support over the past 5 years and would like to thank you all for visiting, registering, downloading and using our work. I would also like to thank PHPFusion Official Management for the support they have given me over these years and Big thanks go's to our dearly departed friend and PHPFusion Founder Nick "Digitanium" Jones. This year will be a good year for PHPFusion, we will hopefully see the 8 version and then we can really start to develop even more great addons, mods and themes for this great CMS.

Thanks Everyone, the next time I post like this will be in 5 years time when we celebrate 10 years online. hehe!! :)

Kind Regards
PHPFusion Mods UK Founder & Lead Developer


Some of our Old Logos from the past 5 Years! Contributions from various members of the community.







Celebration Thread @ PHPFusion Mods UK Forum...

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Falk 146
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Good to see that you are still going strong, thank you and congratulations :Y !
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Craig 14
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No not thanks to me, it's your guy's that deserve the thanks. Without the CMS I have no site. Keep it up! :D

One of my first sites built for the PHPFusion Community was called Fangree Space between something like 2005 and 2009 not quite sure would need to check exact dates, that was a community site a bit like venue but it never took off. I used your Members Pages, The Kroax and Stars Usergold. That is what first inspired me to start opening files and playing around with the code to try an achieve something I wanted. I learned from all your infusions as well as digi's work. People like you, star, fetloser, ausi, and many other old guys who used to regularly code mods inspired me. Now years on and well let's just say I think I learned all rite. hehe!! Good result all round, I learn from people, people learn from me we pass it on down the line until everyone has learned how to code and mod and what not.
Edited by Craig on 05-06-2014 15:07,
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PHP-Fusion MAIN Support Team
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Keep up the good work Craig. I look forward to what v8 brings.
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Falk 146
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(¯·._.·(¯°·._.·°º*[ Project Manager ]*º°·._.·°¯)·._.·¯)
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PHP-Fusion MAIN Support Team
PHP-Fusion USA NSS Admin
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Craig 14
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jikaka 10
www.rusfusion.ru - russian nss
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