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How to add new style to style.css

Locked Asked Modified Viewed 2,447 times
wiring guide,wiring diagrams,consumer unit,photos,movies.- www.aboutelectricity.co.uk
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Junior Member

It might sound like stupid question but I can't do it.
I need to add a new style :
<style type="text/css">
.style1 {
   font-size: large;
   font-weight: bold;

I also know that I have to edit style.css file. I tried a few times but it does not work.
Could someone point me where in style.css file I should put my style ?
/*Phos Theme for PHPFusion 7 by Max "Matonor" Toball*/

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/*Misc Styles*/

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/*IE Fixes*/
* html #main-bg {
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/* Hide from IE Mac \*/
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/* End hide from IE Mac */
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* html .floatfix {width:100%;}
.center, *[align="center"] {margin: 0 auto;}
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Splash 10
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Junior Member

<style type="text/css">
.style1 {
   font-size: large;
   font-weight: bold;

Remember, you need to clean the code before insert it
on style.css.

It will look like these:
.style1 {
   font-size: large;
   font-weight: bold;

Insert your code on the end of style.css ;)

Sorry any english grammar errors.
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Craig 14
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PLease take this thread to the themes site, thanks.

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Craig 14
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Splash 10
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wiring guide,wiring diagrams,consumer unit,photos,movies.- www.aboutelectricity.co.uk
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