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Google News and PHPFusion?

Asked Modified Viewed 2,014 times
younis 10
Steve Younis
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I've been trying (unsuccessfully) to have my website included in Google News (http://news.google.com/).

Google is refusing my submission saying their "crawler is unable to index sites that display multiple articles at the same URL". I've tried explaining to them that even though the front page (news.php) has all the articles on that URL, each news item does have its own URL (i.e. news.php?readmore=123). But to no avail.

Does anyone know of any PHPFusion site that has successfully been listed on Google News?

Any suggestions on what I can do to perhaps modify my Fusion site to meet Google's needs? I was thinking that if the subject title of each news item was linked to its own "readmore" link that that might solve the problem. Any ideas?

Steve Younis
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younis 10
Steve Younis
Superman Homepage - http://www.SupermanHomepage.com
Christopher Reeve Homepage - http://www.ChrisReeveHomepage.com/
Steve's Stuff - http://www.younis.com.au/
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