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Auto Approval

Asked Modified Viewed 2,298 times
Sumeet 10
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Hello friends, this is my first post.I am new here..
I want to allow auto approval of articles,news in short all submissions for all users..
Anyone know the code??Please tell me how to do this....:|
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Hello! Sorry for missing your private message but thanks for taking time to post here. Normally you shouldn't approve all submission for all users because your site will easily become a target for spammers, people using bad language or just trying to make some jokes by posting the wrong kind of content like photos, videos or whatever else that you would normally disapprove.

So are you sure you are up to this? Because writing the code for the automatic approval is simple but the potential backfire for you is quite big. I can help you but you should seriously think about the implications I mentioned.
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Sumeet 10
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kneekoo thanks for your replay... Please tell me the code.. Yes, i want auto approval. I will check users post after posting.....Submission approval is quite boring method to approve submission..I am very happy because it it possible.Plzz tell me the code as soon as possible...
Thanks in advance.......:Y
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Just so you know, the code is 100% ready and functional. Right now I'm in the middle of writing the readme file and then I'll submit the add-on so everyone can use it. I'll get back here later with the download details.
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Sumeet 10
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thanks kneekoo...
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OK, it's online: Auto Approve Submissions

I hope you know what you're doing, though. :) Good luck!
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Sumeet 10
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thanks kneekoo you are gr8... Thank you very much...
Now i ask you only one question if i installed articles or news subcategory plugin it automatically approves submissions or not????
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I don't know which plugins you installed but it might be a problem with them because the approval process is nothing more than moving data from the submissions table to the target table. If at least one of these tables has a different structure, it's perfectly natural for this code not to work - because my panel is written for the official PHPFusion core.

If you want to be sure how this panel works, try installing PHPFusion on a test server, along with your subcategory plugins and see how submissions work. If you encounter any troubles you should contact the developer of those plugins and you are out of luck come back here and I'll try to help you myself.

In short:
1. Try it on a test server
2. If it works, congratulations! :)
3. If it doesn't work, contact the author of the subcategory plugins.
4. No luck after a week or two, come back so one of us can help you.
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