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Cannot Log In

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Hey, I made a website for someone with php fusion and recently the person I have made it for has been unable to log in to the super-admin account.

I was able to access this account, though, so I made a new (second) super admin, so that she may have access.

The problem is that now I cannot access either account. I know I have all of the right login information. When I enter the right information it just switches to the "please wait while we redirect you" page and returns me to news.php without logging me in.

the site is mobetterpublishing.com

Any ideas on why this happens?
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What is the exact message? For example, a successful login should produce this output:

Logging in as Admin.
Please wait while we transfer you.

Also, it appears that you don't want any other registrations.. If so, you should disable registrations via Admin Panel.

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I pretty much says
Please wait while we transfer you.
by itself.

I just tested this on other browsers and on Windows (I primarily run Ubuntu from Linux on my computer) and I found that logging in only works in certain browsers. I have access with firefox on Linux
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The problem is your computer, or I should say your clock on your computer. I´m guessing tha you have windows installed, go to the right lower corner and click on the clock. Then you change the time so it fx is 24 hours behind. Hopefully after that you should be able to login on you website again.

Then if it fix the problem wait maybe a month and the try to see if you can still login in with the "correct" time on your computer. In my case the problem just disapeared after a month, and I never found out excatly what the problem was.
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