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Can not install any Infusions

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I have spent a couple of weeks making a new website using PHP Fusion. I was making it in a sub domain of my main domain. I did not have any problems installing Infusions.

Now that I have Changed the name of that folder and reset the DNS to the new folder I can not install any Infusions. They just do not update the Database with the required Tables.

I just keep getting:

Infusion problem - not working, PolarFox's sticky thread at the top of this thread.
The infusions seem to Infuse but then when you go to use the Infusion the Database has not updated or populated.

Yes I have done what PolarFox has suggested. I do not want to have to restart with a totally new install. I feel it must be a setting somewhere that I have missed but I can not even find it in the Database it self.

I am using PHPFusion_7-02-06
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Chan 0
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This is a db problem. Database could not be found. Show us your Db infusions in phpmyadmin creenshot. Then show us your config.php settings except password and user. I want t compare to see your db prefix.

Another, show us your main site settings screenshot. Then show us your URL in the browser. It's will give us enough info to tell where your problem is.
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The Infusions you see in DB are the installed fusions before I made the changes to bring the website live to the public. They seem to be working OK I just can not install any more after making changes.
Bluey100 attached the following file:
home_site_link.jpg [No information available / 67 Downloads]
site_settings.jpg [No information available / 88 Downloads]
config.jpg [No information available / 63 Downloads]
infusions.jpg [No information available / 64 Downloads]
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Layzee 10
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Look for the "infusion.php" of your infusion.

Change all "TYPE=...." in "ENGINE=...."

Before doing that, defuse the infusion, make changes and reinstalll the infusion.
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I have checked all infusion.php files. Out of all 22 infusions including what comes with the install, I could only find one "TYPE=...." in any of the infusion.php files. This would sugest to me that, that code is not in any other fusion.php file. I would not know what to put in for any fusion file after the code "ENGINE=....". I dfo not know if that command would be in any other file either as I said in my first thread I had already looked at all that from reading PolarFox's sticky thread.
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can you add the problem infusion code here?
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This is a sample of what is now happening when an Infusion is installed. It goes green in the menu but does not populate the database. In this example it is the service management Infusion but it is happening with all Infusions.
Bluey100 attached the following file:
infusion3.jpg [No information available / 57 Downloads]
infusion2.jpg [No information available / 63 Downloads]
infusion1.jpg [No information available / 58 Downloads]
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Chan 0
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Can you attach the whole infusion in a zip or rar here. we need to scan the lines.

Your db has no problem.

Also what version php and mysql your server runs?
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The following are what I want to add but since I changed the DNS which should not matter nothing will install. Have not changed anything except placed stuff where the install said to place it and then tried to install.

The system will not let me upload the zip files. Below are the infusions I am trying to install that I found on this website last night.

Professional Download System.zip
CSSJavaScript Dropdown Menu v1.0e.zip
Section Maintenance.zip

I have never really had trouble shifting or changing websites and databases. I have even made site in my Domain and then copied them to another Host for other people. I just can not get my head around this one at all.

I have in the last 2 hours gone through my pages and Panels and copied everything to TXT documents. I have also download the latest version of PHP Fusion 7.0.27 now.

If it comes down to it, it will not take long to do a clean install and copy things back. It is just wierd that Infusions installed with no problems at all before I changed address settings for my site.

Thanks for your help as well.

I suppose if I want to use CMS I will have to learn a bit more trouble shooting with this script. I have learnt a lot however just by reading about the problems I have had while building my website
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Chan 0
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If your db prefix is right... the infusions3.jpg what you posted will not happen. because it's simply trying to create new table in your prefix, but somehow it cannot find the db.

PHPfusion.yourdb... is not found. that's what makes me feeling wierd.

try this... type in a custom panel, preview it.

[syntaxhighlighter brush=php,first-line=1,highlight=0,collapse=false,html-script=false]
$result = dbquery("select * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."users where user_id='1'"wink;
if (dbrows($result)>0) { echo "db ok"; } else { echo "DB not ok"; } [/syntaxhighlighter]
Edited by Chan on 28-06-2013 18:12,
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Addon: Section Maintenance - http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/infusions/addondb/view.php?addon_id=87

In infusion.php line 64:
I change:


This infusion works fine.

Check your DB prefix in config.php
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Chan 0
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Then the cause is not our code. But upgrade in the host.

The best method to shift site is to make clean installation running the setup first. Then import sql with DATA, without structure. If you parse SQL data+structure, it's not a good practice.

We do not know how much the environment has changed.
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Ok thank you for this. I think I may have found my problem about 2am this morning. I installed a new copy of PHP Fusion in a different position.

I tried to install the above fusions and they would not install.

I would not think that a version of something like 7.0.1 would be that far from 7.0.2 but it seems like it is. Those iInfusions I was trying to install were compatible with V7.0.1 and I am running 7.0.2.
Anyways I found what I wanted to infuse with V7.0.2 compatible and they installed to the new install of PHP Fusion and they worked.

I then installed them into my already running PHP Fusion that I had been working for a couple of weeks and BINGO they worked as well.

I want to thank all of you for helping me with this. The main thing I have learnt is that with scripts the version does matter even if it is slightly just one version different.
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Chan 0
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That is the correct way to troubleshoot.

We assume the thread is closed. Thank you for your support for Php-Fusion.
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