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Adding items to user profiles

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I've been looking for a way to add some items to a users profile for a website I'm setting up, what we are looking to add is;

Real Name (alot of our members are using "nicknames" but we'd like a place for the real name), we'd also like this to appear above the "Posts" count when viewing the forums.

How'd you find us

we'd also like both items to be required items upon registration if possible, if not we'd like them to at least be there for people to enter.

I've done some looking online but can't find anything, I do recall a old post saying how to do this back when v7.0 came out but can't locate the darn thing any more

I have also posted this at phpfusion-mods.net but have not received any help there :(.
if someone could point me in the right direction that would be awesome!
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on phpfusion-mods.net are a number of extensios wich will add fields to your usersprofile.
Loo under profile userfields category mods:


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