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Need help. Sliding shoutbox

Asked Modified Viewed 1,585 times
v1rus 10
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Hello. I badly speak English
I have sliding facebook panel.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {$(".w2bslikebox").hover(function() {$(this).stop().animate({right: "0"}, "medium");}, function() {$(this).stop().animate({right: "-250"}, "medium");}, 500);});
<style type="text/css">
.w2bslikebox{background: url("http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-S3wMYM5ABsk/Tv57qFo1odI/AAAAAAAAAUw/8NkdLv4d9bo/s1600/w2b_facebookbadge.png") no-repeat scroll left center transparent !important;display: block;float: right;height: 270px;padding: 0 5px 0 46px;width: 245px;z-index: 99999;position:fixed;right:-250px;top:20%;}
.w2bslikebox div{border:none;position:relative;display:block;}
.w2bslikebox span{bottom: 12px;font: 8px "lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif;position: absolute;right: 6px;text-align: right;z-index: 99999;}
.w2bslikebox span a{color: #808080;text-decoration:none;}
.w2bslikebox span a:hover{text-decoration:underline;}
</style><div class="w2bslikebox" style=""><div><iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpages%2FComputer-tricks77%2F233018603411493&amp;width=245&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=true&amp;connections=9&amp;stream=false&amp;header=false&amp;height=270" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="border: medium none; overflow: hidden; height: 270px; width: 245px;background:#fff;"></iframe><span>By <a href="http://www.way2blogging.org/">Way2blogging</a> / <a href="http://www.way2blogging.org/2011/06/add-static-facebook-pop-out-like-box.html">+Get This!</a></span></div></div>

I need there to fit shoutbox.
Need sliding shoutbox panel

Merged on Nov 26 2014 at 18:25:19:


<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {$(".w2bslikebox").hover(function() {$(this).stop().animate({right: "0"}, "medium");}, function() {$(this).stop().animate({right: "-250"}, "medium");}, 500);});
<style type="text/css">
.w2bslikebox{background: url("http://godmixai.eu/saukykla.png") no-repeat scroll left center transparent !important;display: block;float: right;height: 270px;padding: 0 5px 0 46px;width: 245px;z-index: 99999;position:fixed;right:-250px;top:20%;}
.w2bslikebox div{border:none;position:relative;display:block;}
.w2bslikebox span{bottom: 12px;font: 8px "lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif;position: absolute;right: 6px;text-align: right;z-index: 99999;}
.w2bslikebox span a{color: #808080;text-decoration:none;}
.w2bslikebox span a:hover{text-decoration:underline;}
</style><div class="w2bslikebox" style=""><div>

| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHPFusion Inc
| https://www.php-fusion.co.uk/
| Filename: shoutbox_panel.php
| Author: Nick Jones (Digitanium)
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { die("Access Denied"); }

include_once INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/infusion_db.php";
include_once INCLUDES."infusions_include.php";

// Check if locale file is available matching the current site locale setting.
if (file_exists(INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/locale/".$settings['locale'].".php")) {
// Load the locale file matching the current site locale setting.
include INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/locale/".$settings['locale'].".php";
} else {
// Load the infusion's default locale file.
include INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/locale/English.php";

$shout_settings = get_settings("shoutbox_panel");

$link = preg_replace("^(&amp;|\?)s_action=(edit|delete)&amp;shout_id=\d*^", "", $link);
$sep = stristr($link, "?") ? "&amp;" : "?";
$shout_link = ""; $shout_message = "";

if (iMEMBER && (isset($_GET['s_action']) && $_GET['s_action'] == "delete") && (isset($_GET['shout_id']) && isnum($_GET['shout_id']))) {
if ((iADMIN && checkrights("S")) || (iMEMBER && dbcount("(shout_id)", DB_SHOUTBOX, "shout_id='".$_GET['shout_id']."' AND shout_name='".$userdata['user_id']."'"))) {
$result = dbquery("DELETE FROM ".DB_SHOUTBOX." WHERE shout_id='".$_GET['shout_id']."'".(iADMIN ? "" : " AND shout_name='".$userdata['user_id']."'"));

if (!function_exists("sbwrap")) {
function sbwrap($text) {
global $locale;

$i = 0; $tags = 0; $chars = 0; $res = "";

$str_len = strlen($text);

for ($i = 0; $i < $str_len; $i++) {
$chr = mb_substr($text, $i, 1, $locale['charset']);
if ($chr == "<") {
if (mb_substr($text, ($i + 1), 6, $locale['charset']) == "a href" || mb_substr($text, ($i + 1), 3, $locale['charset']) == "img") {
$chr = " ".$chr;
$chars = 0;
} elseif ($chr == "&") {
if (mb_substr($text, ($i + 1), 5, $locale['charset']) == "quot;") {
$chars = $chars - 5;
} elseif (mb_substr($text, ($i + 1), 4, $locale['charset']) == "amp;" || mb_substr($text, ($i + 1), 4, $locale['charset']) == "#39;" || mb_substr($text, ($i + 1), 4, $locale['charset']) == "#92;") {
$chars = $chars - 4;
} elseif (mb_substr($text, ($i + 1), 3, $locale['charset']) == "lt;" || mb_substr($text, ($i + 1), 3, $locale['charset']) == "gt;") {
$chars = $chars - 3;
} elseif ($chr == ">") {
} elseif ($chr == " ") {
$chars = 0;
} elseif (!$tags) {

if (!$tags && $chars == 18) {
$chr .= "<br />";
$chars = 0;
$res .= $chr;

return $res;

if (iMEMBER || $shout_settings['guest_shouts'] == "1") {
include_once INCLUDES."bbcode_include.php";
if (isset($_POST['post_shout'])) {
$flood = false;
if (iMEMBER) {
$shout_name = $userdata['user_id'];
} elseif ($shout_settings['guest_shouts'] == "1") {
$shout_name = trim(stripinput($_POST['shout_name']));
$shout_name = preg_replace("(^[+0-9\s]*)", "", $shout_name);
if (isnum($shout_name)) { $shout_name = ""; }
include_once INCLUDES."captchas/securimage/securimage.php";
$securimage = new Securimage();
if (!isset($_POST['sb_captcha_code']) || $securimage->check($_POST['sb_captcha_code']) == false) { redirect($link); }
$shout_message = str_replace("\n", " ", $_POST['shout_message']);
$shout_message = preg_replace("/^(.{255}).*$/", "$1", $shout_message);
$shout_message = trim(stripinput(censorwords($shout_message)));
if (iMEMBER && (isset($_GET['s_action']) && $_GET['s_action'] == "edit") && (isset($_GET['shout_id']) && isnum($_GET['shout_id']))) {
$comment_updated = false;
if ((iADMIN && checkrights("S")) || (iMEMBER && dbcount("(shout_id)", DB_SHOUTBOX, "shout_id='".$_GET['shout_id']."' AND shout_name='".$userdata['user_id']."'"))) {
if ($shout_message) {
$result = dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_SHOUTBOX." SET shout_message='$shout_message' WHERE shout_id='".$_GET['shout_id']."'".(iADMIN ? "" : " AND shout_name='".$userdata['user_id']."'"));
} elseif ($shout_name && $shout_message) {
require_once INCLUDES."flood_include.php";
if (!flood_control("shout_datestamp", DB_SHOUTBOX, "shout_ip='".USER_IP."'")) {
$result = dbquery("INSERT INTO ".DB_SHOUTBOX." (shout_name, shout_message, shout_datestamp, shout_ip, shout_ip_type, shout_hidden) VALUES ('$shout_name', '$shout_message', '".time()."', '".USER_IP."', '".USER_IP_TYPE."', '0')");
if (iMEMBER && (isset($_GET['s_action']) && $_GET['s_action'] == "edit") && (isset($_GET['shout_id']) && isnum($_GET['shout_id']))) {
$esresult = dbquery(
"SELECT ts.shout_id, ts.shout_name, ts.shout_message, tu.user_id, tu.user_name
LEFT JOIN ".DB_USERS." tu ON ts.shout_name=tu.user_id
WHERE ts.shout_id='".$_GET['shout_id']."'"
if (dbrows($esresult)) {
$esdata = dbarray($esresult);
if ((iADMIN && checkrights("S")) || (iMEMBER && $esdata['shout_name'] == $userdata['user_id'] && isset($esdata['user_name']))) {
if ((isset($_GET['s_action']) && $_GET['s_action'] == "edit") && (isset($_GET['shout_id']) && isnum($_GET['shout_id']))) {
$edit_url = $sep."s_action=edit&amp;shout_id=".$esdata['shout_id'];
} else {
$edit_url = "";
$shout_link = $link.$edit_url;
$shout_message = $esdata['shout_message'];
} else {
$shout_link = $link;
$shout_message = "";
} else {
$shout_link = $link;
$shout_message = "";

echo "<a id='edit_shout' name='edit_shout'></a>\n";
echo "<form name='shout_form' method='post' action='".$shout_link."'>\n";
if (iGUEST) {
echo $locale['SB_name']."<br />\n";
echo "<input type='text' name='shout_name' value='' class='textbox' maxlength='30' style='width:140px' /><br />\n";
echo $locale['SB_message']."<br />\n";
echo "<center><textarea name='shout_message' rows='4' cols='20' class='textbox' style='width:220px'>".$shout_message."</textarea><br /></center>\n";
echo display_bbcodes("150px;", "shout_message", "shout_form", "smiley|b|u|url|color")."\n";
if (iGUEST) {
echo $locale['SB_validation_code']."<br />\n";
echo "<img id='sb_captcha' src='".INCLUDES."captchas/securimage/securimage_show.php' alt='' /><br />\n";
echo "<a href='".INCLUDES."captchas/securimage/securimage_play.php'><img src='".INCLUDES."captchas/securimage/images/audio_icon.gif' alt='' class='tbl-border' style='margin-bottom:1px' /></a>\n";
echo "<a href='#' onclick=\"document.getElementById('sb_captcha').src = '".INCLUDES."captchas/securimage/securimage_show.php?sid=' + Math.random(); return false\"><img src='".INCLUDES."captchas/securimage/images/refresh.gif' alt='' class='tbl-border' /></a><br />\n";
echo $locale['SB_enter_validation_code']."<br />\n<input type='text' name='sb_captcha_code' class='textbox' style='width:100px' /><br />\n";
echo "<br /><input type='submit' name='post_shout' value='".$locale['SB_shout']."' class='button' />\n";
echo "</form>\n<br />\n";
} else {
echo "<div style='text-align:center'>".$locale['SB_login_req']."</div><br />\n";
$numrows = dbcount("(shout_id)", DB_SHOUTBOX, "shout_hidden='0'");
$result = dbquery(
"SELECT ts.shout_id, ts.shout_name, ts.shout_message, ts.shout_datestamp, tu.user_id, tu.user_name, tu.user_status
LEFT JOIN ".DB_USERS." tu ON ts.shout_name=tu.user_id
WHERE shout_hidden='0'
ORDER BY ts.shout_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0,".$shout_settings['visible_shouts']
if (dbrows($result)) {
$i = 0;
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
echo "<div class='shoutboxname'>";
if ($data['user_name']) {
echo "<span class='side'>".profile_link($data['shout_name'], $data['user_name'], $data['user_status'])."</span>\n";
} else {
echo $data['shout_name']."\n";
echo "</div>\n";
echo "<div class='shoutboxdate'>".showdate("forumdate", $data['shout_datestamp'])."</div>";
echo "<div class='shoutbox'>".sbwrap(parseubb(parsesmileys($data['shout_message']), "b|i|u|url|color"))."</div>\n";
if ((iADMIN && checkrights("S")) || (iMEMBER && $data['shout_name'] == $userdata['user_id'] && isset($data['user_name']))) {
echo "[<a href='".$link.$sep."s_action=edit&amp;shout_id=".$data['shout_id']."#edit_shout"."' class='side'>".$locale['SB_edit']."</a>]\n";
echo "[<a href='".$link.$sep."s_action=delete&amp;shout_id=".$data['shout_id']."' onclick=\"return confirm('".$locale['SB_warning_shout']."');\" class='side'>".$locale['SB_delete']."</a>]<br />\n";
if ($i != $numrows) { echo "<br />\n"; }
if ($numrows > $shout_settings['visible_shouts']) {
echo "<div style='text-align:center'>\n<a href='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/shoutbox_archive.php' class='side'>".$locale['SB_archive']."</a>\n</div>\n";
} else {
echo "<div>".$locale['SB_no_msgs']."</div>\n";

<span>By <a href="http://www.GodMixai.eu/">GodMixai.eu</a></span></div></div>

Need help. Bg
Edited by v1rus on 26-11-2014 19:25,
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