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password generation

Asked Modified Viewed 879 times
ZirouZ 10
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Hello everyone! php fusion 7.02.07
I have a problem: generate a new password for user registration....
I need the password was written so:
this example will generate SHA1(CONCAT(UPPER('$user_name'),':',UPPER('$user_password parameters'))...
in the file PasswordAuth.class.php I found

   // Encrypts the password with given algorithm and salt
   private function _hashPassword($password, $algorithm, $salt) {
      if ($algorithm != "SHA1") {
         return hash_hmac($algorithm, $password, $salt);
      } else {
         return SHA1(SHA1($password));

I'm trying to do

   // Encrypts the password with given algorithm and salt
   private function _hashPassword($username, $password) {
      $user = strtoupper($user_name);
      $pass = strtoupper($password);
      return SHA1($user.':'.$pass);

but it's not working... what is the idea? - password generation and encryption : password = sha1( username+user_password)
Edited by ZirouZ on 13-07-2015 15:00,
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ZirouZ 10
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