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1000+ Character SQL error - MAC OSX Clients

Asked Modified Viewed 2,744 times
Routh 10
Chris Routh
Founder of The Den of Amateur Writing

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Greetings everyone,

This error has plagued me now for some time. I've done a lot of testing and error checking, but yet I can't seem to make heads or tails of this one.

Two months ago, I updated to PHPFusion 7.02 - Everything has been great for my Windows/Linux/Android/IPhone users. Mac OSX... not so much.

For some reason since updating PHPFusion, Mac users cannot submit forum posts, writings, articles, blogs, or even comments that exceed 1000 characters. If they exceed this limit, SQL error. The SQL error always complains about syntax at the 1000th character, which doesn't make any sense when the data is being escaped.

We've tested:

Safari on Mac OSX Leopard: affected, SQL break at 1000 chars
Firefox on Mac OSX Leopard: affected, SQL break at 1000 chars
Chrome on Mac OSX Leopard: affected, SQL break at 1000 chars

Safari on Mac OSX Panther: affected, SQL break at 1000 chars
Firefox on Mac OSX Panther: affected, SQL break at 1000 chars
Chrome on Mac OSX Panther: affected, SQL break at 1000 chars

Firefox on Ubuntu 11.10 for MAC: SQL Timeout error.

Firefox on Windows XP: Working
Chrome on Windows XP: Working
IE on Windows XP: Working

Firefox on Ubuntu 11.10 for PC: Working
Chrome on Ubuntu 11.10 for PC: Working

The Mac hardware seems to be the only difference. However, how would mac hardware be causing an SQL error?
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Can you present _POST request from mac/Ubuntu 11.10 for MAC users?
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Routh 10
Chris Routh
Founder of The Den of Amateur Writing

"Don't try to be a great man; just be a man and let history make its own judgments." - Riker, Star Trek The Next Generation
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