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Version 7 Upgrade

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Hello All

I 've site which is at 6.15 and i tried to upgrade to V7 as explained in this article:


I did not had any issues while running the scripts or accessing the site at V7.

But to my surprise, all the data was gone. It looked as if i did new V7 Install versus an upgrade. Any idea what could have been the problem?

I had to do restore back to V6 with backup copied..

Any help how to do V7 upgrade that would preserve my old data also...

Appreciate it..

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Homdax 10
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There is no version 6.15. Please give the EXACT version number.

That tutorial omits to specify how to handle that the Template system is different and that you should revert to a default Theme before upgrading and changing the files.
It also omits the fact that the described upgrade procedure is only valid for an ENGLISH installation, since that is the only Language that comes with the default package. For any other available language you need to get the correct Language package and upload those files as well.

You will get a vast number of errors related to above if you are not using a default theme and not using an English language.

Could you please specify version and exact errors?
Edited by Homdax on 11-08-2009 22:05,
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Sorry it is Version: 6.01.15
i tried to go to V7..

I did not had error messages. it is only that, all my data got wiped out from v6 and then all i had was fresh installed data (as if you do V7 Fresh install) with one user..

what could be wrong..

and i appreciate your help...
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Homdax 10
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If you at anytime during the upgrade ran, and filled in, the setup script, I think yor data is gone.
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Can you please elaborate on this:

"If you at anytime during the upgrade ran, and filled in, the setup script"

I just followed the steps that are explained in this article:


There was nothing to fill-in anywhere...

What other factors make your data to lose?
Is there a script that i can run after successful completion of V7 upgrade so that i can extract the data from the old database (i.e from a back-up copy) to the new database?

Any Help in this regard is greatly appreciated ..

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i tried to upgrade v7 again..

Whatever the article :


has said till that it went good..the data existed in all of my tables from V6;
I copied all the V7 files to my site;

When i refreshed the site, it asked the following:

Step 1: Locale

Step 2: File and Folder Permission test (all passed)

Step 3: Database Settings

Step 4: Config / Database Setup Complete

Is it supposed to do the above 4 steps during v6 to v7 upgrade ?
When all the above 4 steps are completed, all my data related to V6 is gone ...

ANy Help ?
Edited by 2fusion on 03-09-2009 22:18,
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