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v6.00.207 to 7.02.03 verification error.

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I have updated a website from v6.00.207 to 7.02.03 and I would like to have or know where to turn on the options shown below on this forum.

URL to your site: http://brittle.powweb.com/GE602/ http://www.goldfish-emergency.com
Version of PHPFusion you are upgrading from: 6.00.207
Version of PHPFusion you are upgrading to: 7.02.03
Any mods you've made to your site: none
Version of PHP: 5.2.12
Version of MySQL: 5.0.45
Have you searched for your problem: yes
If so, what terms did you try: updating
State the nature of your problem: now that I have updated, if something happens I can use a mysql database backup and a file backup on a new 7.02.03 install? or would I have to upgrade all over again?
Do you have a test account for us? yes
password: fusiontester

thanks for any help...

Merged on Aug 20 2011 at 21:52:30:
one of the members mentions that the date/time is not customize-able for individual users as it was in V6.0

Merged on Aug 20 2011 at 23:40:14:
new users cannot join the site... there is an error in the verification e-mail that is sent to them. it's adding news.php to the link in the wrong area.

Please activate your account via the following link: http://www.goldfish-emergency.com/news.phpregister.php?email=ka@whomever.com&code=b05e73c3def4c546561fcd8f51de3211482203a3

if the news.php is not there then it works. how can I remove that?

Merged on Aug 20 2011 at 23:58:08:
users who are trying to reset their passwords are not able to as well. it seems that they get page cannot be displayed when resetting password.

is anyone here on this site?

p.s. I don't think it was a good idea to have people post their version numbers in the title of their posts here. now all of the titles are version numbers and very few describe the error they are experiencing.
Edited by krisidious on 21-08-2011 01:01,
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How you have updated your site? Step by step.
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for some reason now people who reply to a thread in the forum do not have the option to attach a photo...
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No attachment buttons?
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