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Asked Modified Viewed 2,778 times
Harly 10
Regards, Har1y.
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This is the Enigma theme with a drop-down menu and a userbar - now upgraded to work with PHPFusion version 7.02.

This Theme is XHTML 1.0 Transitional, and CSS level 3, valid.
- which means, that this theme renders flawlessly on most modern browsers.

-- View this Addon --
Edited by Harly on 04-09-2013 19:50,
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Kot 10
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Very nice (like the previous version), but when I uploaded it, it shows at the top of the page this:

/*------------------------------------------------------+ | PHPFusion Content Management System | | Copyright (C) 2002 - 2010 Nick Jones | | http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/ | +-------------------------------------------------------+ | This program is released as free software under the | | Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or | | addonify it under the terms of this license which you | | can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online | | at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this | | copyright header is strictly prohibited without | | written permission from the original author(s). | +------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------------------+ | Theme Enigma 1.1 for PHPFusion v7.02 | +-------------------------------------------------------+ | Filename: english.php | | Author: Harly Petersen | | Homepage: http://com.har1y.com/ | +-------------------------------------------------------+ | This theme is released under the terms and conditions | | of the GNU Affero GPL v3. | +------------------------------------------------------*/ - See more at: http://www.progresor.radom.pl/news.php#sthash.pIhSXOpI.dpuf
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Harly 10
Regards, Har1y.
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I know. I've just informed the approver of the theme, that I discovered the error right after I submitted it - damn!
So I've asked him to delete the download, so I can re-submit it asap. ;)

P.S. I nested the local file codes wrongly, when I added the theme's info.

Just move the php tag above the theme info in both Danish.php and English.php (Path: themes/Enigma/locale/in here are the 2 affected files) and it will work like it should! B)
Edited by Harly on 04-09-2013 16:15,
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Kot 10
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Thanks, worked :) Great theme:Y
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Harly 10
Regards, Har1y.
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Good to hear, Kot! Glad you like the theme. :)

Just repeating what I wrote in the comments to this theme:


I found a bug just after I submitted this theme, so don't download it untill I say that it's fixed, here in the comments, and in the theme's support thread.

As a finishing touch, I added the theme info to the 2 locale files, but placed the info above the php starter tag, instead of belove, like it should be! :o

It's been a while since I've worked with themes, so I'm bound to make a few rookie-mistakes in the beginning. :P
In the meantime, you can get the corrected theme here, on my new site: Enigma 1.1 download page..
Edited by Harly on 04-09-2013 18:48,
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— 5 months later —
hervan 10
sorry my english is very bad
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hi. . .:D
Here I want a side panel with Enigma theme for its width plus more.
help me to edit its css. .
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