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Asked Modified Viewed 4,148 times
Harly 10
Regards, Har1y.
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This is the All_Business theme, which has the following build-in functions:

1. A drop-down menu, in the bottom of the header (hard-coded in theme.php, replacing the showsublinks function. Menu-config included in the readme.).

2. A "user-bar" on the top right side of the header, showing the user options (when your logged in. See the screenshot)
2a. It also shows the "Admin Panel" option, provided that you are an administrator of the site, off course.
2b. If you get a new message, it will show up to the right of the "Private Messages" icon. Made special locals for this function as well!
2c. When your not logged in, the "user-bar" shows the "Login", "Register" and "Lost Password" functions. If registration is disabled on your site, the register-icon will not be shown!
2d. And off course the tool-tips, which explains the icons functions, are using the local files in your site's own language!

Small, fast and W3C validated:
At the same time this theme has a small "footprint", which makes it load fairly fast - compered to the themes containing more and bigger images in their designs!
And off course it's 100% XHTML and CSS 3 valid!

Tested succesfully on the following browsers:
IE, FireFox, Opera, Google Chrome and Safari.

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Edited by Harly on 04-09-2013 19:50,
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