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Ages for thread to open - when loaded with images.

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Hey. First of all I wanna say sorry if this has been mentioned before on the forums.

If someone at my forum has made a post with extremely many images, then It takes nearly 30 seconds for the thread to open. How come?

It can't be because the images needs to load cause then it would open the thread right away but would take some time for all the images to be loaded.

It's really frustrating, and I hope you guys know how to solve this.

I run on the newest version of php-fusion.
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Oh dear.
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Thread only opens when images are downloaded. This is a problem of your bandtwidth with your webhost imo. PHPFusion only says what to do. Speed is set by your webhost serverside & i-provider client side.

php.ini file in your rootdirectory?
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Thanks for your answer but I don't quite understand what you mean here:


php.ini file in your rootdirectory?

Let's say I've got a php.ini in my root (Can't access my ftp these days) what would that mean?

And I don't understand how the bandwith at my host can be that bad - I've also got hundreds of images on other pages of my site, but here the page opens quickly and then the images are being loaded afterwards.

is there any way to change this? So that the thread opens at once and then loads the images after that?

And another thing I don't udnerstand: The threads takes ages to open every single time I try and open them. You would think that after the first time you've visted a thread you'll have the images loaded, so that they were already loaded when returning to that thread.
Edited by Michael87 on 18-04-2006 23:37,
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Oh dear.
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Well my webhost told me that php.ini fastens everything up in pageloading so he added php.ini files to all my roots. I have no idea what it does or what's in it, but it did help.
Contact your webhost imo.

Well pageloads are chronicle and images are called up by your sourcefile one by one so no switching.

Your pc should use cache memory to store the data in when opened once (temp files) but you can turn that off in your windows & browser.

I dont think this is your problem nyways you should check it. Use help functions to sort out where it's done. I would have to look it up also so sorry.
Edited by Redemption on 19-04-2006 13:28,
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Thank you for your time and patience.

I'll ask my host wether they know anything about this problem and how we can fix it.

Hopefully they've got an answer - My forum is pretty much useless now :(

I just thought the speed of the downlaoding of the images depended on my own internetspeed (Which is pretty fast).
Edited by Michael87 on 19-04-2006 14:11,
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v0rt3x 10
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I'm having the same problem, but I have additional details to provide.

These problems started with the 6.00.3xx updates - and before that we were still running .2xx versions and everything was smooth - regardless of how many images or how big these threads were. :|

Should deff. be something to look into - as its really getting on my team's nerve.

Sorry to "confirm" that Michael87 isn't the only member experiencing this.
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Ben Benesh
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Are the images attachments?
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Its because 6.00.3x has some tight security with images, being fixed in .4x
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