Recently on this site, I read a thread that was titled "Site hack in 6.00.305". Of course, my first inclination was to think, "yikes, not another hack!" Not that Fusion is susceptible to them, but we did have a recent scare...
Anyway, that got me to thinking about such subjects. People should take care to get their facts straight on these things before they do the Chicken Little "The sky is falling" act. I realize that Fusion is open source but how many potential users might such a post scare off when considering which CMS to use. If they took the time to read the entire thread they would know better but such a post can automatically generate undue doubt and skepticism about Fusion.
What if I was out shopping for a car and a friend of mine said "Don't buy XYZ. I had one and the engine seized up after only 50k miles." I would keep that in mind when looking and might overlook a good model after all if I didn't dig a little deeper and find out that my friend had never changed or even checked the oil since purchasing the car. Its those initial impressions we remember.
So please folks, if you find an exploit or something similar, please don't come screaming into the forums or shoutbox with it, even if it is justified. Report it to one of the site administrators and leave it up to them to address it first before broadcasting it on the site. Minor bugs are one thing but security issues are altogether different.
Just my $0.02...
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