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New User Registration failure

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URL to your site: owngrown.ca
Version of PHPFusion: 7.02.07
Any mods you've made to your site: none
Version of PHP: 5.3
Version of MySQL: 5.5.32
Have you searched for your problem: (yes)
If so, what terms did you try: users new registration fail
State the nature of your problem: tested account registration a few days ago and seemed to work okay, registered a couple test account. Today a new user tried to register...

1. user received message registration succeeded, wait for approval...
2. new user attempts appear in database
owngrown dot ca/images/newusers dot jpg
3. No email notification arrives at the admin inbox
4. No "unactivated users" in the admin panel of site

Not sure if the user registration is broken or if its simply the email settings.
The sendmail field was empty, I am pretty certain I set it to my host info "/usr/sbin/sendmail" and have done it again, not sure how I would have lost that particular setting along the way...but I have changed it and still not received activation emails.

Would someone like to try registering for me?

Merged on Dec 15 2013 at 12:48:26:
also, is there a way to enable the user account through phpMyAdmin, directly within the database?
Edited by Canadian1969 on 15-12-2013 14:48,
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KasteR 10
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First confirm that you've checked in the admin panel. I'm not sure if you're saying that you can not locate where the unactivated users are, or if it's simply not working.

When you go to Admin Panel, there's a table at the bottom called Info. If need be, CTRL+F and search "Unactivated Members".
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I have removed the entries from the database, not sure if I should have or not. I have not tried to register another account, but the "Unactivated Members: 0" was always zero.

When I log in as admin and try to manually add user, failed due to entries in the database. I saw no way to convert the new_user to user in mysql.

So, registration seems to work from users end, but no email is sent and no indication in the admin panel.

I changed the sendmail settings to /usr/sbin/sendmail from my host, but registration fails, when I change to 'blank' the registering user gets success message, but no email, no indicator in admin panel.

Merged on Dec 16 2013 at 11:10:22:
no infusions, fyi

Merged on Dec 18 2013 at 13:53:55:
My host is asking for the following:

exact script that phpf uses for sendmail
the body contents of the sendmail emails

Merged on Dec 24 2013 at 11:08:36:
It would be really helpful if I knew which script is supposed to send user registration emails.

Merged on Dec 24 2013 at 11:28:15:
My host ran a test script on the server to verify sendmail was running.

print" Value = $tmp";

Returns Value=1
Which I presume means sendmail is working
Edited by Canadian1969 on 24-12-2013 13:28,
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